Sullivan county, NY coyote hunting contest


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The Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs of Sullivan County, Inc. is sponsoring the 3rd Annual Coyote Hunt in White Sulphur Springs, New York. Feb 19-21, 2010

There is a $30 entry fee.

Only coyotes taking the State of New York on the three days of the hunt may be entered. Coyotes may be taken by hunting only, no trapped or cable-restrained coyotes will be allowed. hunting with the use of dogs is permitted. NYSDEC hunting regulations must be strictly adhered to. All coyotes must be taken by fair chase/stalk methods. All coyotes must be brought in on the day of the kill for weigh-in. If taken in the weigh-in hours keep the coyote warm. NOTE: All coyotes will be body temperature tested. In case of a tie, the first coyote weighed-in will win.

Weigh-in will be held at the Warren Krum residence on Heinle Road in White Sulphur Springs, NY (1 mile on Shore Road off Rte 52 to the 5-point corner then onto Heinle Road)(Phone # 845-292-4807) form 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Friday and Saturday. 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Sunday. THE WEIGH-IN ENDS AT 2:00 PM SHARP ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21. A roast beef dinner is included with the entry fee for all entrants on Sunday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at the White Sulphur Springs Firehouse on Rte 52. A free 3 gun $5 raffle ticket will be given to all the entrants. The winner will be announced after the final weigh-in results have been tabulated at approximately 3:00 PM at the firehouse.

For information please feel free to call either Edna @ 845-932-8929 or Jack @ 570-798-2998 or Warren @ 845-292-4807.

Oh yeah...prizes...

$100 for each coyote brought in.

$200 for the heaviest of the day

$2500 grand prize for the biggest yote overall.

Edited by Adjam5
forgot to add prizes
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I never knew of that going on. Still kind of far for my busy weekend. Are you doing that Anthony? Good luck if you are.

My son Joe is entered in it. There is a $30 entry fee. He will be up at our camp with his AR and some 50gr V max .223's;)

My knee is not good enough to go traipsing around the woods just night none the less! I'll leave that to the young guys :).

Just thought I'd get the word out a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Gentlemen...word around the county. Coyote contest was won by someone named Krum. Who shot a 70lb yote with the aid of dogs. That is one huge yote. The big ones up there normally go in the 50lb range. This was an old female I am told.

That female yote must have gotten the Octo-mom's secret and been loaded with :yes:

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