well, I'm a Marine now!

lil hunter

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I finally graduated Marine Corp Recruit Training yesturday morning. It was one heck of an experience for sure. I never thought it was going to end, even during the last few days it seemed like I was going to be there forever. Some days weren't too bad, some days made me wish I never went there. It really wasn't what I expected boot camp to be like. I did manage to lose a few pounds. Not a ton but enough to make a difference. We didn't do as much physical training as you would think would take place there. On the rifle range, I did pretty well I guess. I shot a 235 out of 250. The range record is 242 for recruits there. I hit nothing but 5's and 4's all day, which is quite an accomplishment. Then a week or two later we did our table 2 shooting, which is more combat scenario shooting. I shot an 89 out of 100 there. That gave me a total score of 324, which was number 1 in my platoon, and number 3 for the whole company(over 550 recruits) So needless to say I'm pretty happy with my shooting. Now I'm home for 10 days of leave. As of now, I have to report for Marine Corps Combat Training next Tuesday. My recruiter said he would try to get me recruiters assistance, so I can stay home longer, and I'd just have to help him during the day everyday. Hopefully that comes through for me. But for now, you can just start calling me PFC Murphy, and know that you only have about 10 days worth of me ruining the board with my posts!

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