Good Hunting Arrows?


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I shoot 60 lbs and about a 29" draw and I'm shooting Goldtip 5575 Expedition Hunter carbon arrows, but they're on the edge of being under spined. You might want to look at 7595 for Goldtips. I just got my girlfriend some Victory V-Force carbon arrows and I've heard good things about those. For carbon arrows that's all the input I can give.

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I've tried CX Maxima, CX Maxima Hunter, Victory Arrows V-Vorce HV, Goldtip XT, Carbon Force Predators, and Easton Axis N-Fused. Out of all I would have to rank the Easton Axis N-Fused as one of the best arrows I've ever shot. The arrow is just solidy built, tougher than nails, and an absolute great hunting arrow. The small diameter will give you great penetration on any kind of animal. I've shot mine through 2x4's on accident, but they didn't come out with a scratch on them. Right behind the Easton Axis would have to be the CX Maxima Hunters. With the draw length and weight your at right now you'd be going with a 400 sized shaft for an Easton Axis or a 250 sized CX Maxima Hunter. Good luck in finding the best arrow for your bow! :)

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Ive shot Goldtip 5575 Expedition Hunters for 3 years now. I really like them and I have no plans of changing.

The shaft size is gonna depend somewhat on what tip weight you are shooting. The draw weight and length you mentioned is right on the line between a .400 spine and a .340 spine with a 100 grain tip. I was in the same boat as you shooting a 29 inch arrow with a 66# draw weight. I dropped my tip weight to 85 grain and shot the 5575s which are the .400 spine shafts. The 7595s are a little heavier and bigger in diameter and I wanted the extra speed out of the 5575s.

So basically if you want to shoot a 100 grain or heavier tip and you want the option of increasing your draw weight, you would want to go with a .340 spine shaft like the 7595s. If you are gonna keep your draw weight where it is and you are fine with shooting 100 grain or less tip then a .400 spine like the 5575s should work. They will add just a little speed to your set up over the heavier arrow.

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I've shot quite a few different brands over the past 2 years trying to find a good combo. I am another for Gold Tips in either the XT Hunters or my personal favorite the Nugent Series (same specs as the Expedition Hunters). You are on the spine border between 7595 and 5575. Depending on the length of arrow you shoot for your set up-try and experiment with length of arrow and tip weight. I prefer standard diameter arrows vs. the smaller diameter arrow-but thats just me.

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another Goldtip Vote. i actually prefer the Goldtip Pro Hunters, there a little more money, but they are very straight and very close in weight tolerance. so when you make up a doz arrows, they all weigh very close to the same and since they are .001 straightness, they are also easier to spin tune.

i used to shoot 5575s, but this year i have switched to the heavier spined 7595s. i wanted a little more poundage and weight for my Elk hunt in sept.

a Goldtip pro Hunter 5575 should be perfect for your setup.


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