Hybrid Turkeys

brad dryden

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I guess, I consider a hybrid to be a turkey showing traits of more than one different subspecies. We have a lot of Merriams/Eastern hybrids as well as pure Easterns in my part of South Dakota and we also have a lot of Rios, Merriams and Rio/Merriams hybrids along the Missourri River. In general, if you want to shoot a pure bird, go to a spot where there is just one subspecies. For example, in South Dakota we have the northeast corner (pure Easterns) and the Black Hills (pure Merriams for the most part). Just hunt where the population is pure. ;)

Dakota :)

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I guess, I consider a hybrid to be a turkey showing traits of more than one different subspecies. We have a lot of Merriams/Eastern hybrids as well as pure Easterns in my part of South Dakota and we also have a lot of Rios, Merriams and Rio/Merriams hybrids along the Missourri River. In general, if you want to shoot a pure bird, go to a spot where there is just one subspecies. For example, in South Dakota we have the northeast corner (pure Easterns) and the Black Hills (pure Merriams for the most part). Just hunt where the population is pure. ;)

Dakota :)

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As far as going towards the slam I want to kill at least one pure bird per sub species. Other then that a hybrid would be fine with me.

There are 3 different slams that I am aware of.

1. Grand slam-- Osceola, Eastern, Rio Grande, and Merriams.

2. Super Slam-- the 4 above and a Goulds.

3. World Slam-- the above 5 and an Oscellated (jungle turkey) from S.America the one the fan looks like a peacock sorta.

I know that's kinda of topic but it was mentioned above.

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