What the furthest you haven driven to hunt


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What is the furthest you have DRIVEN to hunt. I mean like on a big game trip with an outfitter or a do it yourself hunt. Do you like the distance and the road trip with all your gear handy, or would you prefer to fly?

I have a chance to hunt this fall and the drive is about 12hrs... have mixed feelings about that far in a truck, but it beats having the dang airline smash and lose my crap.

So whats your driving experience?? How do you pass the miles?? I've driven 8 hrs to hunt, but never 12 hrs.

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For the past 30 years I have been heading to northern Ontario to bowhunt for moose. It's typically a 10 hour drive and then a couple more hours to get supplies and get to camp. And that only get you about 1/3 of the way across Ontario heading towards Manitoba. Hunters who drive from southern Ontario to Thunderbay area have a 20 to 28 hour drive ahead of them.

Back in the 80s, my partner and I drove from Southeastern Ontario to Colorado to bowhunt for elk and mulies. I believe it took about 36 to 40 hours just to drive to Denver, then another 4 or 5 hours to get to our hunting area near Rifle, CO.

All of my hunts have been DIYers. I've never flown to go hunting so I can't comment as to a comparison of the two types of transportation.


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The farthest I drove on a DIY to Kansas was 1400 miles. It was 22 hours driving time which I made in a day and 1/2. I actually stayed in Red Cloud, Nebraska. I wasn't there an hour when a monster of a Kansas buck showed up. Needless to say, never pass on the first day what you wouldn't pass on the last. It was a long ride home.

The only advantage to flying is time and rest. If I had a destination where everything was in place, I would definitely fly and take my chances. On the DIY I drive to make sure I have everything I might need. It would be a fortune to fly or pre-ship with today's shipping costs.

Just drive and get there is the best advice. Stop and rest at a rest stop,. sleep a cycle and move on. Motels along the way slow you down. Unless you have all the time in the world....

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Thirtythree hours with a 3 hour stop to sleep. Vermont to Colorado. I just drove, listened to the radio. Between the hours of 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM my body just shuts down so armed with that knowledge I went to sleep then. I'm older now and need rest more often and will only drive 10 to 12 hours tops. The things I mangled when I was younger don't like sitting that long anymore. I actually stay at motels now on the road.


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I absolutely hate to drive, even to hunt. Proof of this is that the land I lease is 15 minutes from my front door. But when I went out to Montana to hunt the Milk River, I think we had to drive 5 hours or so from Billings to camp. If there was an airport in Hinsdale I would have flown there. That's what airplanes are for! My dad drove from New Mexico to Charlotte, NC from an Elk Hunt. Not sure the mileage, but too dang far for me.

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I drove from New Carlisle, Indiana to North Yellowstone, Montana in a little over 24 hours once. I love that. I really love driving on an adventure. I stopped once in Illinois to whiz. I stopped once in Wisconsin for gas, to make a pb&j on the tailgate and to whiz. I stopped once in Minnesota for gas and to whiz. I stopped at the Cabela's in Eastern South Dakota around sundown, just because. I ate a sandwich and browsed around. Then I drove to Rapid City and slept for a couple hours in the truck. I woke up cold and turned on the heater and drove into Montana. I almost hit a big muley buck in a whiteout on a mountain pass at about 03:30 or so. I rolled into Bozeman and then South into North Yellowstone before lunchtime. I like to drive.


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took about 19-20 hours if we would have drove straight through to get out to Wyoming for the bucks for buckee hunt... that was driving 80-90 mph through South Dakota. however, my buddy and I made a few stops along the way to do some site seeing.

Drove to Gainesville, Florida a couple years in a row to go turkey hunting... think it took around 13 hours or so.

Takes me around 6.5-7 hours to get to the cabin in the Upper Peninsula.

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Around 1,000 miles, moose hunting just below the Yukon Border, around Pink Mountain. There and back was around 2,000 miles

Then there was the Wyoming trip. I flew to Calgary, and drove down to Gillette WY and back.

flew from Comox to Calgary and back = 1,474 miles

Drove from Calgary to Gillette and back = 1,500 miles

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Me and a couple of buddies got the idea to put in for a mule deer draw in Wyoming and got it. We left N.C. about 8:00 pm friday night and arrived in Dubois Wy. around 6:00 Sunday morning (about 34 hrs) We took turns driving some but I did the biggest majority of it because I get car sick. We didn't kill anything but it was the trip of a lifetime!

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