What the furthest you haven driven to hunt


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To Wisconsin to Randy's, 600 some odd miles this past fall. All of the rest of my hunting has been done right here at home in the backyard. I did have a few times before we moved out here that I had to make a 30 minute drive to the property.

Hopefully will be making a trip out west to hunt with Steve Beilgard this fall, don't know for what animals yet and whether or not I will be hunting, will all depend on whether or not my oldest daughter gets drawn for elk. Figure that will be a 2 day drive.

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The furthest I've driven to hunt was about 18 hours for elk hunts in New Mexico. Did that twice. Drove about 12 to 14 hours the first day each time and got a good nights sleep before finishing the drive.

Every year that I take off to bowhunt in Kansas, Iowa, or Illinois I'm looking at 10 1/2 to 12 hours. Been doing that for the past 12 years or so. Flying is not an option on my do it yourself hunts in Kansas & Iowa. No way to get all my gear and stands there. Since I realized 12 hours or less on the road really isn't that bad, I've chosen to drive rather than fly almost all of the time to hunt big game.

You get used to passing the miles. Nothing special to do but I'll break up the monotony by making some phone calls to friends when I'm driving by myself. If a buddy is going along, no problem.

The only times I've chosen to fly to make hunts were for pheasant hunts in South Dakota, turkey hunts in several states, a mulie bowhunt in Wyoming, and a bear bowhunt in Maine. The Wyoming & Maine hunts were back in the mid 90's when flying with gear wasn't the problem we have to deal with today.

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Was fortunate to have some forum members get together and send me and Ohiobucks to Illinois courtesy of LLBUX a few years ago. I guess that was around 400 miles?

Tom will come in here and correct me if I'm wrong on the mileage. He loves to correct me. :D

Not true, I don't love to correct you. I loathe correcting you, it's like dealing with my kids sometimes. :D

480 miles, it was about 8 hours as I remember.....

That was an easy trip, 3 guys in a truck, farting and telling stories all the way.

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The Farthest I have driven has been Wisconsin to Buffalo, Wyoming. I make that hunt about every three years. It is a 21 hour drive.

Every year I go to South Dakota for either Prarie dogs or pheaseants. I alternate years. Thats a 13 hour drive.

Finally every year I drive to Northern Minnsota to deerhunt thats an 8 hour drive.

I would never fly for a hunt. You just can't take enough stuff with you on a plane. When I drive I listen to books on audio. That way I'm not just wasten time I'm learning stuff too.

Plus I just love my truck.


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22 hours each way - Spartanburg, SC to Abilene, Texas twice a year for the past 6 years. October and February each year. October for Dove, February for Quail. Books on tape help to pass the time on the road. Tried flying the first year, I got there my shotgun didn't, it never left Spartanburg. Luckily my buddy brought 2 and let me use one of his. With all the extra fees for baggage I would never think about flying again when going hunting.

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been to Wyoming to hunt antelope 12 hours. went wild boar hunting in tennessee 11 hours.

my elk hunt montana in sept will be 15 hours.

with the new truck and usually a plan for everything the trips are very easy. all though its nice to have a partner to ride along with. i have made the trip to Steve Bs twice now and im getting ready to leave tonight for trip number 3.

Sirius satellite radio sure makes it nice. it should be a nice easy trip.


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I been to oregon three times. Twice we drove to sumpter, 1750 miles and took 28 hours. We switched off driving every time we filled up on gas. The last time we flew to boise and got picked up. It was tough staying under the weight limit at the airport, but sooooooooooooooooo worth it. If I can fly with my boots and bow and camo, I would leave everything else behind.

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