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Do you mean the red dot compared to the Banner scope?

The scope has 3.3" of eye relief and the red dot has unlimited eye relief.

Dot will be better for fast target acquisition.

Red dot has multiple reticles to suit your shooting/hunting.

Red dot is much lighter (50%).

Scope will give clearer picture of target due to magnification.

Scope will be better for long range shooting.

Heavier scope will reduce recoil more than the red dot will.

No batteries to go dead at the wrong time.

As you can see they both have good points and bad points. Its up to the user.

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Re: scopes

I had a saddle mount for my shotgun made by Tasco. I had problems with stripping out the threads in the bolts that replaced the pins in the reciever. I don't think even Tasco makes them anymore, they only went up one side of the reciever. B-Square makes them that straddle the reciever on both sides, a much better design. I don't know what you bought ? I now have a canti-lever scope mount on my barrel. I would be more concerned about how strong the mount is right now. I also would buy a decent scope for it, most of us know, a shotgun shooting slugs will rock your world LOL.


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Guest deldeer

Re: scopes

warning..... be carful not to tighten that straddle mount to much. i put one on an 870 & when you loaded the gun, & shut the action the gun would go off !!!!!!!! everytime. the gun worked fine before that, so we took it back off, put the factory pins back in & tried to load it & it was fine. took the gun to a gunsmith just to have it checked out, & he told me he could find nothing wrong with it. & i may have been sqeezing the receiver closed causing the gun to malfunction.....

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