saying hello from AK!


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I dont see an Indroduction forum sooo....we'll start here!!! Aksheephuntress drug me on in here. said what a great bunch hang out on this forum... i have to ask though.... is it okay to sit in the real tree forums wearing sitka gear?;)

i am a life long Alaskan, and have traveled and hunted most of our state up here, and to date have yet to hunt any of the lower 48 states. in fact i have never seen a white tail deer, elk, or antelope in person....

i am a dedicated spring bear and fall moose hunter, and take my kids hunting each season with me.. I have 4 girls, and 2 stepsons currently ranging in age from 2-18( yes i know what causes that)Looking forward to sharing some stories and adventures!!!

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well i am in Interior AK. and the average at most is 3-4 foot, it stays cold here for the most part ALL winter so the moisture is pulled out of the snow and stays icy powder. Here i am 90 miles south of the arctic circle. and considered almost an arctic desert except for the mean snow fall each year. we average 40-50 days in the summer over 80 with 22 hours of sunshine.. and last winter we spent 3 weeks at -63. (well warmed up to -52ish in the day time lol) we will drop to less then 4 hours of day light through the solstice.

AKsheephuntress is nearly 700 miles south of me and has an entirely different climate there with more snow and less mean temps but is on the coast and wet with wind...

Fairbanks is one of the places on this green earth the wind rarely blows with any force, aside from a small breeze in the summer and during seasonal changes.

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Welcome to the forums. I was fortunate enough to pass through your town en route to two weeks on Birch Creek several years ago. Float trip for moose with a buddy from Anchorage. Would love to get back. I look forward to your posts so I can keep the dream alive.


LOL thanks, i started posting my 2009 hunting story in my blog section but when i copy paste from the word doc... it is full of HTML and hard to read... It is one of my better stories and last year was the first i carried a journal to keep track of our daily activities... we hunted 23 days of a 25 day season, pulled three moose and a bear along with countless small game.
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LOL thanks, i started posting my 2009 hunting story in my blog section but when i copy paste from the word doc... it is full of HTML and hard to read... It is one of my better stories and last year was the first i carried a journal to keep track of our daily activities... we hunted 23 days of a 25 day season, pulled three moose and a bear along with countless small game.

Copy and paste it into notepad first, then copy and paste it from there.

Sounds like you had a great season

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