Some states holding your tax refunds


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Read this article today and couldn't believe it. Some states that are hurting want to hold on to your tax refund money longer. California is a joke issuing IOU's instead of refunds. Then there's New York, North Carolina, and Hawaii that want to delay sending your tax refunds. Throw Kansas into the mix now wanting to delay paying refunds for 16 weeks unless you e-file! it for yourself.,1651432

It's pretty sad when you think they got to use your excess tax funds during the prior year and then want to hold them longer. Wish I knew all the states holding on to their residents refunds. The author of the article is right about adjust our withholding so we owe them a few dollars come tax time next year.

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That stinks....I had to pay $1800 to Oklahoma last year and pay Lousiana State taxes too since thats where my employer is based. Freakin sucked! I ended up only have to send Oklahoma 8$ this year.

Welcome to my world Kat. I've been paying state income taxes to MS & AL since 1989. I used to pay state income taxes to LA too until my income there dried up. Thank goodness Texas doesn't have state income taxes or I'd be paying them too.

ahhh, this is just the start. we'll see federal iou's soon enough. fasten your seat belt!

I'm with you there Steve but for years, any refunds they've owed me have been applied to quarterly estimated taxes. I've done my best in 2009 with quarterly estimateds to owe them a little this time.

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I sent all of my clients an email warning about just that and most have heeded the warning and filed early.

More and more States are slipping into default and the government is doing everything it can to step on the necks of the largest segment of job producers. You can figure out what comes next.

Too many people use the Federal and State Governments as a passbook savings account and that has now become a good way to have your money held for an indefinite period of time.

Adjust your withholding forms for Federal and State to increase your dependents. If you aren't a saver, have the difference in your paycheck transferred to a bank account in your spouse or parent's name that you don't have access to. At tax time, they give it to you plus the interest you earned.

Steve hit it right on the head....the Federal government will soon be bankrupt. No, it has been bankrupt for some time. Ugly times are coming when the Federal government has to tell all the welfare recipients (any program receiving Federal aid that is) they can't pay them any longer. I will relish the fact that I am well heeled and ammo'd up because it will be UGLY.


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