Just got back from the ER


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I was sitting here on the computer at around 9:30 and noticed I started getting really itchy. I normally itch at night and mom gives me my nightly back scratch, but this was different. Never thought much of it, thought it was just dry skin, took my shirt off and went to mom to get my scratch and she shreaks and says "Oh my God! look at your stomach!!" I look down and I am absolutely COVERED in red hives! all over my arms, back, stomach, crotch, going down my legs. Almost gave poor Nikki a heart attack when I told her. We went down to the ER and the doc said it was a medication allergic reaction. Took me off that med and said to take Reactine or Benadryl to keep the itching and hives down. Hopefully they'll be gone in a couple days. Had me a little worried there, but thankfully it's nothing serious. ;)

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  buckee said:
It could have been very, very serious Shaun. Thank God your Mom was there. ..WHEW !!

Did the doctor change your meds, or do you have to wait now to see your regular doctor??

Remember this word Shaun..........Anaphylaxis.

It is very serious as Steve said. You need to figure out what med caused it so you can list it with your medical history. Allergic reactions tend to get worse with each additional exposure. Be aware.

Glad you are okay!

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Man that had to scare the crap out of you all...glad it was a just a minor reaction bud, and glad to hear your ok.

Why don't doctors know that their patients are allergic to the meds they give them? that should be a pretty high priority on their list...This is the second case of this from people on RT forums in less than two months....first buckee, now shaun...Whats up with that?

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Thanks everyone, thankfully it was just a small reaction. The ER doctor wasn't my family doctor, gotta make an appointment to see if she wants to give me a different med instead of that one. Still on two others that help a lot for my medical condition. This was just a tweaking med. Didn't work obviously! Still broke out in hives, itching isn't really bad though thankfully. I looked like hound last night scratching everywhere. :o

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