Canada vs USA for Men's Hockey Gold on Sunday


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Canada sqeaked past Slovakia tonight in a 3-2 victory. The canucks were leading, and pretty much controlled the game up until midway through the 3rd, then the Slovaks popped in a quick 2 goals and pressed for a 3rd goal right up until the buzzer went ending the game.

So Sunday it'll be a rematch of Canada vs USA for the gold/silver. Here's wishing best of luck to both teams, but quietly I'll be cheering for the red maple leaf.....well at least on here! At home watching the game on Sunday, it's liable to get a little noisy!

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Here's how I think the game will go:

Canada won't let USA stand in front of the net like they did the last matchup to screen the goalie. The canucks might pick up an interfernce penalty or two as a result, but their PK teams have been good. Canada will continue to shoot in deep and cycle, but this time they'll be crowding the net out front.

Canada will continue to try and play a physical game, but I think the americans will be ready for them this time. I think the Slovak game gave USA a lot of insight into what will work and what won't against the canuckistanian squad.

Crosby has to pick up his game and the defence will be critical in this game if Canada wants to come out on top. Miller will need to be on top of his game once again for USA to be triumphant! Goaltending will be the key to a USA win. I expect it will be a low scoring, but close game within one or two goals.

Outcome? Hmmmmmmmmm! G S B? Canada Gold, USA Silver, Slovaks Bronze

HEY! What can I say? I'm a Canuckistanian!.....but best of luck to both teams! (whispering "go canada go!")


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