Tsunami Warning Hawaii!!!


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Yeah. They're expecting 6 foot tsunamis in Hawaii. Maybe more. :rolleyes:

I'm not downplaying the situation in Chile. But I've played in 15's on the north shore of Oahu. And that was in the off season. They get 20's, 30's and more in winter.

This tsunami thing is nothing more than a hype for the media.

Kind of what I was thinking.:hammer1:

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This tsunami thing is nothing more than a hype for the media.

Actually I thought that the media has covered all this very well so far. They keep making it clear that tsunamis are not what you see in Hollywood movies and are not necessarily a big wall of water coming to shore. I am glad the media is covering all this because it makes people aware of the severity that this could be, or not be. 20-30' waves that regularly crash against the seaboard are much different than a 10' tsunami hitting that same coastline.

This affects us here in Okinawa as well. We live about 1/4 mile away from the beach and we venture down to the Sunabe Seawall all the time to look at the big waves that come in after a typhoon. Some of them have reached 20'. But I wouldn't want even a 10' tsunami crashing on the coast this close to our house. Its more about the surge than the height. We had a couple more aftershocks last night too.

Edited by TreeStandBowHunter
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