NBA Announcers Tick Me Off!!!

TN Bucknasty

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What do these guys have against Stockton and Malone?

A couple of nights ago they were discussing the best power forwards ever and not one time was the Mailman mentioned. You've got to be kidding me. How can you rank Tim Duncan as the number one power forward of all time without even mentioning Karl? And Charles Barkley? Really? Malone used to literally beat the man into submission in the paint. He's number two on the all time scoring list, he's sixth in rebounds, and 10th in steals. Not to mention he hardly ever missed a game.

Then during several halftime shows, they'll start bragging about how different point guards such as Jason Kidd, Rajon Rondo, Magic Johnson, Steve Nash, etc. distribute the ball so well. What about the person who holds the all time assist record by five freaking thousand. He's also number one in steals. Nash's whole game is a John Stockton ripoff. Yet, I've never once heard anyone mention Stockton's name when discussing point guards.

Okay, the guys didn't win a championship. So what! Since when did a championship become the measure of a player's quality? Patrick Ewing never won one. That doesn't mean he wasn't a good center. Barkley, Maravich, Miller never won one. Just the fact the Stockton and Malone got there twice without a full bench of all stars backing them (like the Lakers, Bulls, Celtics, etc.) is extremely impressive. It really ticks me off when players are shunned by the announcers for not having a ring... especially when its an animal killing, fish catching, muscle bound, legend like Mr. Malone or his buddy Mr. Stockton.

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Stockton and Malone were good.....but my guess is they were forgotten because Utah really isn't a big market team and they never won a championship.

Championships are the VERY reason these guys play. We have all heard it a million times they would give up all their personal accomplishments for 1 championship. So I think it is one of the more important factors.

Wasn't Stockton also named as one of the dirtiest players in the game during his time???

I liked Malone until he jumped ship to the Lakers in hopes to ride the coattails of that team to a championship. And of course that failed and I thought it was hilarious.

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Seriously? You must be kidding. If by dirty, you mean hardnosed, aggressive, physical, and a player who kept his mouth shut. Nothing wrong with leaving cuts and bruises all over a bunch of whiners.

yeah I was thinking years ago there was some show talking about it....and he was suppose one of the worst.....maybe I am wrong I will do some searching...

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As for Malone riding the coat tails of the Lakers? You just said how desperate players get for championships, and you also said how important you believe they are. Besides, he made good contributions (Example: a triple double in his final game). Would you call Gary Peyton, Shaq (a two time mover in his old age), Kevin Garnett, Dennis Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, etc. pathetic for moving to winning teams in hopes of getting that ring.

As for the free throws, yeah Karl did miss some important ones, but that doesn't make him any less great. Jordan missed many game winning shots as has Wade, Shaq, Kobe, Magic, Bird, etc. all of which are greats in my book.

Edited by TN Bucknasty
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yeah I was thinking years ago there was some show talking about it....and he was suppose one of the worst.....maybe I am wrong I will do some searching...

:D I found it. Its on one of those ESPN lists. Stockton is there for killing people with screens and Karl Malone is on it too for busting people up with those bows to the head... Isiah Thomas... hehehe. Just one more reason they're great.

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Lots of articles on him and others.......just by doing a simple google search.....

Here is a couple:

According to this Karl was right there with him....

:D that is some good stuff. Those guys were couple of junkyard dogs. Well, I guess you have to do something when you're 6 foot 1 and 185 soaking wet, and if you're 6 foot 9 and built like the terminator, why not use it.

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As for Malone riding the coat tails of the Lakers? You just said how desperate players get for championships, and you also said how important you believe they are. Besides, he made good contributions (Example: a triple double in his final game). Would you call Gary Peyton, Shaq (a two time mover in his old age), Kevin Garnett, Dennis Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, etc. pathetic for moving to winning teams in hopes of getting that ring.

Yep I would lump Peyton into that same boat. As far as Rodman and KG they were still an asset to the teams they went to (bulls and celtics). Pretty sure Rodman or KG's carrers where not over when they went to other teams. I honestly don't follow the NBA much at all anymore so I have no clue about wallace or where he has been or even at now.

Malone's career was DONE when he made his move. If I remember correctly he didn't want to go anywhere else but the Lakers, he took a HUGE pay cut and he was sadly to old to still play and be a helping factor every night for the team, his only hope was that Kobe and the Lakers would take him along for the ride. Malone is a top 50 player no doubt.

As for the free throws, yeah Karl did miss some important ones, but that doesn't make him any less great. Jordan missed many game winning shots as has Wade, Shaq, Kobe, Magic, Bird, etc. all of which are greats in my book.

I think Magic, Bird, Kobe, Jordan have made ALOT more BIG game shots then missed.......Game 55 of the NBA regular season great they made or missed the final shot. BUT game 1-7 of NBA playoffs/championship they didn't miss often. But that is why Magic, Bird and Jordan are legends of the game!

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:D that is some good stuff. Those guys were couple of junkyard dogs. Well, I guess you have to do something when you're 6 foot 1 and 185 soaking wet, and if you're 6 foot 9 and built like the terminator, why not use it.

not stating its right or wrong, cause I am sure many other players did similar things.

Just for whatever reason I remembered his name being brought up every time this issue was discussed.

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I'm not saying they were the greatest to ever play the game. They were definitely my favorite two players, but not the greatest. However, I will say that they deserve a heck of a lot more recognition than they ever have or will get. The fact that they weren't pimped out to the media like Jordan, Barkley, etc. has probably been a blessing to their personal lives and a curse to their professional recognition.

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