Back to WV, OHIO, PA I go....


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Got a call from a contractor Thursday offering a job up running from St. Clairsville, Ohio into West Virginia. Its a smaller line...only 18 miles, but its two lateral lines, one 18 inch and one 12 inch. It should last around 8 weeks, but I have to go to Washington, PA for some OSHA training, and to get my company certifications. They are calling me Monday with my itinerary and thats when I find out what day I head up there. Not really sure if I am going up there to test and come home to wait on standby ( Paid 40 hours a week to sit an wait ), or if I will be going straight out on the job. I dread going....I hate leaving the family behind. But it's my job and I gotta do it.

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i'm glad you have a job, kyle. all too many simply do not. good luck. you're most surely miss the family, though.

Ditto that!!it sure is rough leaving them behind, i used to do three weeks on and one week off and be 800 miles from home.. and never seem to get to relax. the family awaits your return to get some things done, and are upset your gone, it takes some conscious effort to come home on break, and not take one for the benefit of the family... good luck!!!!!

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Washington, PA!!

Close to 2 Cracker Barrels, Cabela's in Wheeling, home to a big Gander Mt and Ace Sporting Goods and soon to have a Bass Pro Shops.

Can't be a bad place to spend a week or two.

Flying outta DFW at 705AM Weds and will land it Pittsburgh around 1ish. Then heading to Washington, PA for a week of certification testing and company procedure tests. So I guess my 3d season is over before it even began lol. I'll check in as I can.

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