Arrow Rest


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I currently use an NAP Quick Tune 800 and am thinking of upgrading to a Whisker Biscuit. Reviews I've read said I will have to switch to blazer vanes so the don't chew up the 4" ones I use now. What does everyone use? I'm not sure about drop-a-ways? Are they reliable or noisy? What's the quietest one out there?

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A Muzzy drop Away rest is the best out there. Randy has used it for 6 years and never has had a problem. it is a total drop away rest. Your arrow will never fall off either. Randy proves that by laying down and shooting it. You can use any vanes or no vanes because there is no arrow to arrow rest contact at all. Check out his video clips on

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i switched from the whisker to a drop away last year. and am not looking back.. i also stripped all my vanes and put FOBs on

the wife and kids still use the whiskers, with good results but your really limited to about 40 yards with it

I have to kindly disagree with this statement...I practice at 60 and 70 yds, and consistently get good groups with my WB.

I just love not having to worry about my arrow falling off when i am stalking through the woods...

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I just changed from a quick shot style biscuit to a QAD HD drop away. I only did it looking to improve my groups which weren't bad really. I could group well enough out to 60 yards, I was just looking for any advantage I could get. The other full capture rests like the biscuit have brushes that wear down quick. I shot it for three years now with the same goldtip arrows that have vanetec 4" vanes and never had a problem. Also, if you bow is tuned properly you really won't see much of any loss in speed from what I've seen.

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I use WB's on my hunting bows, the only reason I would change from them is to upgrade to the new WB that they came out with this past fall. I was out shooting both of my hunting bows yesterday and they are still dialed in. The WB is reliable, accurate, and easy to tune-my neighbor and I put this rest through the wringer with every kind of test we could and even freezing it to see what results we got. That was four years aog and they are still on my bows.

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i havent tried any of the newer rests, mostly because im shooting Trophy Taker drops aways. i have them on all my bows and i feel there pretty much bullet proof. my theory is once you find something that works, why mess around with anything else.;):D


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I have a QAD Ultra Rest. So quiet, so reliable,so durable. Can't go wrong!;)


QAD ultra rest pro. Great rest!!

Yep Yep!

I just love not having to worry about my arrow falling off when i am stalking through the woods...

That is the beauty of the Ultra Rest. watch this,

I started with a WB and I really liked how it contained my arrows. However it ruined the 4" vanes on my arrows. I bought a Bitz and re-flethed all my arrows with Blazers. That solved the problem but I still did not like how the WB had contact with the fletching after the shot. I switched to the Ultra Rest and got drop away accuracy with full containment before the shot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was using a NAP quicktune and was going to switch to a whisker biscuit until people on here recommended the QAD ultra rest. The QAD was really easy to setup and i've been shooting lately and love it. It keeps the arrow contained like a whisker biscuit would but it is a drop away so you don't have to worry about the fletchings getting beat up. Go with QAD for sure.

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