In the Morning..


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Our vacation is officially over and we are on our way back north to our home in New York. We had a great time here in Florida. We even got to meet 2 great neices for the first time! One is only 4 months old and the other is less than a week old:)

Everyone made grandmas house the gathering place to see us and say their goodbyes. That house was filled to the rafters with laughter, practical jokes, little kids using us as jungle gyms, card games, and more smiles than you would think possible. My daughter was even able to take some time off from work and go to the Florida Aquarium with us today:) I'll upload pics when I get home.

Looking forward to driving for the next 2 days...not.

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We made it in this morning @ 2:30am.

After getting the heater going we were probably sleeping before

I tried to get the water hooked up but evidently there was a little water left in the line....anyone living up north knows what that means. I turned the water on outside to have the bathroom flooded when I got back inside!

The neighbor acrossed the street is a plumber and is fixing that as I type.

All in all everything went really well while we were away so we're happy;)

There are a bunch of photos that will have to wait for the computer to be unpacked and setup...but man are they some great ones.

I did adopt a new pet while I was in'll have to wait for a pic of him

Happy to see the house still standing...It's good to be home:)

Thanks for all the prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!

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