Knives - traditional blade vs gut hook?


Knives - traditional blade vs gut hook?  

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  1. 1. Knives - traditional blade vs gut hook?

    • Traditional
    • Gut hook

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same here too....

moose are too big to gut and to thick of hair for a gut hook. i use a good boning knife and a skinner and fillet a moose in place.. in short remove one side,( quarters, ribs, back strap, neck meat) then roll it and remove the other, pull the tender loins and leave the gut pile in place with the spine...all in all am done in less then 2 hours tagged bagged and on the trail...

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I've never been one to use a guthook much, but honestly I never had a combo knife till a couple of years ago. I had a Wyoming skinner for years and never used it one time, couldnt even tell you if I still have it. My wife got me an outdoor edge swingblade and I've used it a lot.

Long story short, if it's handy I'll use it, if it's on a separate knife, I wont bother getting it bloody.

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I do like the ease of using a good gut hook for the whole 5 seconds it's in play, but often it is not worth the extra effort to carry something additional or remember it. One of the best gut hooks I have ever used is the cheap plastic Gerber version of the Wyoming guthook that uses utility knife blades. That thing will unzip a moose or elk.

Most often, however, I just use a regular blade.


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I have alot of gut hook knives and even when i carried a knife with a gut hook, i didnt use it. The only knives i ever carry are a buck fixed blade vanguard or a buck 110 folding that my girlfriend got me for out one year anniversary. I have gutted 16 deer, 2 antelope, and 4 elk with my buck vanguard. Keep a tally on the brass butt of the knife!

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I still have a gut hook Cold Steel Master Hunter Plus but I don't gut big game animals anymore. Like Wobbly_Alaska, now just skin and debone the carcass, bag the meat and get it cooling down.

I find the guthook is great for cutting tie wraps or plastic banding on large packages. The gut hook does not go to waste.

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Been using and carrying one of these with me since I started hunting. Have cleaned many of deer with it in the last 20 years and don't plan on changing anytime soon.


I have the same knife. I think it cost me $9. Blade gets dull, buy a few replacements and pop one it. I really like mine. I also have a traditional but I really like the way the Wyoming Knife feels in my hand.

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I have been hunting over 25 years and have used NOTHING BUT a guthook. A Schrade Old Timer fixed blade with a gut hook. Very handy. I have since switched to a different Guthook knife(ColdSteel Trail Master Plus), but the guthook is the shizz for me. I have field dressed deer with a 2" pocket knife because that is all I had, but given the choice...I reach for the guthook everytime.

Just recently took possession of a Ross Tyser brand guthook.

A thing of beauty.


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