Being a responsible adult is hard sometimes...


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I've never been a quitter in life. When I start something I finish it. But let me tell ya, this new job is trying me very hard. The contractor is beyond ridiculous on all the forms they want me to fill out, and tests they want me to take to prove I can do my job. I've worked for 4 other contractors that I never had ANY probs with ( except for a few people on a crew or something ) and didn't do a third of the testing and paperwork.

The other thing besides the worst stress I've had on any job in my life, is the fact that I miss my family so much. Cash turned 9 months old today and I didnt even get to see him. When I left in July he was just a baby and slept. I wasn't really attached considering I spent little time with him between dads wreck and then leaving soon after. But now that I've been home all this time it is kickin my butt. I just wanna drag up and go home. I know I can't do that though as this is what I do. I can't wait til Jenn graduates and gets a job. Then I am coming home to stay!

Wish me luck and strength that I make it through this next week lol. I'm gonna need it. I hate job stress and anxiety!

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Tuff with a young family at home, I was working half the time in Mexico before the kids were a year old. Also sux going to a job you hate, but they're just sacrifices you have to make sometimes till you can find a better situation for your family. Hope things get better for you soon Kyle.

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Hang in there Kyle. Just take it one day at a time.

I know what you mean though, because I was away a lot when my daughter Jessica was little too. I was either off in a logging camp for the week, on a commercial fishing boat for 20 days at a time, with maybe 2 days in between trips, or working for the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, on the Patrol boats for 21 days at a time. Sometimes life is tough, but it's the only way the bills get paid.

God be with you Kyle.

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I love what I do honestly....never had this kind of a headache with a contractor before. Only problem I've ever had is some co-workers who liked to talked down to me when I was entry level. Besides that it's a great job minus the being away from home. I could go on all day with what is wrong with this contractors testing policy, but it would make ZERO sense lol.

Bottom line we work with radiactive isotopes that are regulated by the NRC ( Nuclear Regulatory Committee ) so its VIP stuff. But I have certifications and licenses that state I am qualified...but these guys are treating me like I've never seen or done my job before lol.

Mind you they are the ones who called me and asked me to come to work for them. I didn't apply for the job. They called me from recommendation to the chief foreman off my last job in Ohio.

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You have to ask yourself "Do they have everyone do this testing or just me?" If the answer is everyone, then they are not picking on you. I've done DOD work and I know what you're going through. It's sensitive stuff you're working with. Lot's of accoutability right now. You must be good at what you do to even get a chance to be there.

God bless.


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Kyle, every "newbie" has to go through the same thing, no matter how much experience they have. I have worked around radioactive sources as well, and have seen this first hand. It doesn't matter where you came from, you still have to go through this. It's all about CYA!!!!

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Kyle, every "newbie" has to go through the same thing, no matter how much experience they have. I have worked around radioactive sources as well, and have seen this first hand. It doesn't matter where you came from, you still have to go through this. It's all about CYA!!!!

I'll second that motion....... been there too, NOT FUN...... just a bunch of beauracratic paperwork to make someone else's job seem important.... hang in there Kyle, once you get past the "red tape" all will be better, just think about the family and tell yourself "without me doing this, we wouldn't have what we have"...... One day at a time..... God Bless! KS

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Well I made it through the gauntlet! Leaving tomorrow to go out on a job. I'm NRC certed, TWIC certed, HAZMAT, and have unrestricted access to various radiative sources/materials across the US. WHEW glad that is over!



On the real though, congrats, now go do something productive.

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