Blazers vs 4"


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In your opinions, do blazer fly any better than the regular 4" vanes. I only shoot out to 15-18 yards. I just put a QAD Ultra HD rest on my bow with a new Meta peep. Shoots good the way it is and I won't change the arrows unless the blazers will make it shoot better with tighter groups. Opinions please!

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Like Mark said, if they are flying good for you, I wouldn't change. IF, you decide to change the QAD is a great rest for these vanes to able to get the clearance for the vane height. I changed from 4" vanes to blazers about 4 years ago and haven't looked back. Mostly because they are very durable when shooting out of a Whisker Biscuit rest. I also use them on my tournament arrows on the XCutters Ultralites, which work very well.

Referring to the old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

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What are the advantages of FOBS? Do you think they fly better?

take and broad head and stabilize it right now... work most any cross wind with out worry...( wind really sets them apart)

increase speed and range...

never shoot single dot targets you will break fobs and arrows

yeah i think they work better. i was a skeptic until last year and made the switch, and have been extremely impressed

they are an air foil that honestly works heck of a lot better then vanes.. especially longer ones...lots of video on star flight web explain them

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I switched to Blazers a few years ago, and switched back to 4" vanes last year. The Blazers were pretty nice, but I like the 4" Flex Fletch vanes better. They are very, very durable for a 4" vane. I haven't had any noticeable difference in broadhead flight between the Flex Fletch or Blazers.

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I endorse FOB's 1,000%!!! Call the 800 # on the starrflight web site and talk to the inventor himself. His name is Paul and He'll help you with everything you need to make those arrows fly like darts out of a sniper rifle. Tell him Joe Shaw sent you and you will never look back. You have the perfect rest and unless you like paying $40 every time you want a couple arrows fletched, this is the fastest way for you to take out the hassle, get accuracy, speed, consistency and way more confidence.

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I endorse FOB's 1,000%!!! Call the 800 # on the starrflight web site and talk to the inventor himself. His name is Paul and He'll help you with everything you need to make those arrows fly like darts out of a sniper rifle. Tell him Joe Shaw sent you and you will never look back. You have the perfect rest and unless you like paying $40 every time you want a couple arrows fletched, this is the fastest way for you to take out the hassle, get accuracy, speed, consistency and way more confidence.

i agree paul is a great guy.. i called and talked rest setup with him and spent three ours talking AZ elk....great guy loves the sport in all ways

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i have shot just about everything for hunting arrows. i guess it all comes down to what you have had the best sucess with. actually. 2 inch Blazers just seem to stabilize my hunting arrows a lot better. they are easy to find, easy to fletch, lots of colors and about 6 bucks for 36. i prefer fletching arrows. its a skill you will have forever. i learned to fletch over one winter practicing on old arrows.

heres the new dozen i just did up. 2 inch flo Orange Blazers, straight fletch and flo green Pin nocks.



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