Should be Good Rabbit Hunting


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With all the snow just about gone and the end of the rabbit season still 2-1/2 weeks away, it should be really great out in the bush right now for snowshoe rabbits. Man they ought'ta stand out like sore thumbs as they're still white, or should be. I'd like to take my grandaughter and her beagle out for a run before the end of the month. Seein's how it's spring break this week, maybe I'll be able to get them out through the week.

Anyone else do any rabbit hunting?


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We've got hardly any rabbits down this way, TBow...absolute worst year any of us can recall.

We had the annual bunny hunt in January...56 hunters...and only 4 rabbits shot !!...Granted, it is a bow hunt, but there wasn't many seen either !!

At the end of the day when they were doing the tally, the biggest claim was, "We almost saw one !!"

Bob :eek:

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