Gobbling with a mouthcall

Ethan Givan

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Wish I could help you but back in the day when I tried to figure it out, I sounded like crap too. I never sounded good enough with it to consider trying it in a hunting situation. When gobble calls came out that did a good job of reproducing a realistic sounding gobble, I quit trying on a diaphram.

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Hard one to explain without you being here.

Ever do a feeding chuckle on a duck call?? It's kinda the same mechanics.

It's like you're saying the word "tuckle" several times back-to-back, starting with more force and easing off toward the end. Not easy to do. You may want to wear a bib while you learn. You'll slobber a lot. :D

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i've seen people do it differently. i'm still working on it myself. i don't know how to explain it. many i think use air from deeper in the chest with their voice and oscillating their tongue similar to the rolling your R's thing. others i've seen just breathe out rapidly as possible saying "took" with the latex part of the diaphram laying against their bottom lip. just practice making funny noises using your tongue on the way to work or while :drink:and someday you'll get it. i think. lol however, it's not recommended if you car pool.:D

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