What is your occupation?


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First year fire student at Lake Superior College in Duluth, MN. They have one of the best fire fighting programs in the state. I'll be working on an ambulance crew this spring as a ride-along until i get my EMT license next fall.

Not sure what i'll do after college but the military is a big possibility. I'll have the next year and a half to decide.

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  bowin_in_illinois said:
I am the Maintenance Director at a large church in Central Illinois, I'm part owner of Select Archery and Outdoor Suuply, Inc., and I am a photographer.

I am also a volunteer Firefighter...but since I don't get paid for that, I guess it can't be considered an 'occupation'. :)

Brother much of AK emergency service is run by volunteers!! it is very much an occupation especially this time of year with all the accidents that occur as our roads thaw out!! hopefully your community thanks you for your service, as ours do all the volunteers here!

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  bowin_in_illinois said:
I am the Maintenance Director at a large church in Central Illinois, I'm part owner of Select Archery and Outdoor Suuply, Inc., and I am a photographer.

I am also a volunteer Firefighter...but since I don't get paid for that, I guess it can't be considered an 'occupation'. :)

My dad and i are both volunteer firefighters on a small rural department where we live. When he took his Firefighter 1 course in town, the fire chief said there should be no distinction between a paid firefighter and a volunteer (except for the pay of course), because they're both doing the same job. We just changed our name from Pequaywan Lake Volunteer Fire Dept. to Pequaywan Lake Fire Dept. and EMS services for that reason.

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I have been on active duty in the Marine Corps since 1993. I am a Communications Security Manager. Been doing that for a while, lol. I retire in 2013 with 20 years of service in the Marines and I have no idea what I will do with my life after that. I have a BS in Security Management from AMU with concentration in information security and international terrorism. I still have no idea what I am going to do with my life but I am not retiring from the Marines without my Masters;). So with that said, I still don't know what I am going to do but I bet I will be setup for success, lol.

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  TxBowHunter said:
I have been curious as to what you guys do for a living.

I'm a freshman at Baylor University, Poli Sci major.

I have a BS in Poli Sci

an MS in International Relations. (Study something useful while you can TBOW)

I am a Retired U.S. Army Officer

I currently work as a Correctional Officer.

In my spare time I run a small gun shop out of my house.

I am a certified Rifle instructor by the US Army and The NRA. I used to teach a tactical rifle course at a local gun club.


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