Anyone Use A Delta Broadhead Buck Target??????


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A friend of mine bought one this weekend at BPS.

I shot it today with my Switchback using carbon Vapor 5000 arrows and they went all the way through to the other side. The tips were sticking out about 2"s. When I pulled them out I had to use both hands, a knee, and an elbow on the target. When I got them out there was some of the target stuck to the arrow, like it was glued to it.

Anyone else have this problem?

I thought maybe after we used it it would loosen up a bit but then my arrows might get a complete pass through.

I'm thinking of getting a Morrell buck target. They claim to have a 2 finger removel, anyone use these targets?

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Anyone Use A Delta Broadhead Buck Target??????

I have shot a Delta brand target before. It wasn't specifically for broadheads, but even when I shot field points into it, the target didn't last long and it fell apart after a short while. I personally don't care for Delta targets after that so I want to get something like the Glendell buck.

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Re: Anyone Use A Delta Broadhead Buck Target??????

I had a Delta Backyard Buck target ripped off last summer frown.gif. Was in good enough shape to steal I guess. I didn't shoot broadheads into it though. Shot a lot of field points and only re laced the insert once in the 8 years I had it. The only problem I had with it was if you hit too far forward of the vital you'd hit the hard plastic of the coupling device in the neck of the deer. Actually, it helped me shoot better. I don't know if their foam has changed or not.

Both Delta and McKenzie say you can shoot broadheads into their 3d targets, but to tell the truth you'd be spending a lot of money on replacement vitals if you took them for their word. They sell a lot of those things for those few words. wink.gif

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