That was weird...


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Typing on here one second, next thing I know sitting in complete blackness in the basement:jaw: Electric went completely out....stumbled up the stairs to where the family is...Get a flashlight but in like 2 minutes it comes back on...Good thing, I worry about the freezer full of deer meat.

Maybe someone hit a pole...I dunno...Perfect spring night here so not weather related...Oh well, no worries now:eat:

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That same thing happened to me today at the tech school, I was in the middle of an ITV class (I'm in a room with a tv and a camera, the instructor is at a different campus and he's on the tv as well as other students at other campuses) It was weird because I knew everything was ok, and I'm not afraid of the dark or anything, but it really got my heart going for a minute lol. Took about 20 min to come back on. What's weird is somebody today said the same thing "oh, maybe somebody hit a pole" lol Glad yours came back on too Ruth.

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