
TN Bucknasty

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Any other Stephen Colbert fans out there see what the press secretary said about Obama appearing on The Daily Show? "Sure, he could go on that show, just not Colbert. I've yet to see a politician best him. I mean he's really good."

I think its pretty funny that Pelosi and so many politicians are terrified of him. Its pretty ironic that his willingness to make himself look like an idiot opens so many doors for him to make others look like one too.

I'm not necessarily a big fan of his political beliefs, but I am a huge fan of his work. Sponsoring the Olympic team, sparking interest in the space program, his charity and support for the troops, messing even the savviest of politicians up so badly that they don't know whether to squat or wind their wrist watch.

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This is the only thing that I ever saw out of colbert or stewart that was even remotely funny. But this was good.

I could watch them both if they would realize that they are comedians. I think that both of them fail to constrain their feeling that they are the smartest man in the room at any given time.


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