835 Recoil ?


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You need to Ask "Buckee" this question...LOL

He may have some information for you tongue.gifgrin.gif

Personally...without a recoil pad....I'm not going near my 835 again blush.gifwink.gif

Look close at the bottom of the stock on my gun. Yes thats camo tape...its covering up the black "Sissy Pad" grin.gif

If you look near the right side of my nose you will see part of it still black and blue from before I bought the "Sissy Pad".


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Re: 835 Recoil ?

I've never found the recoil of the 835 to be too objectionable.

BUT..............in a hunting situation where your mount of the gun (any gun) may be less than square or perfect (like if you are leaning around a tree or you're tilted over a bit), you are subject to take a whoopin'. wink.gif

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Re: 835 Recoil ?

when pateterning mine I was so glad it needed no adjusting , the five shots I took at various yardages left me with a bruised up shoulder....MAN!!!! but int he heat of the moment when that longbeard is in those fiber-optic sights...it's not bad at alll...and your only taking one shot too..hopefully

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Re: 835 Recoil ?

The recoil is stout. Its a longer recoil than a high power rifle but its more. The rifle has recoil that is a sharp jab. The shotgun is more like a hard punch. I put a scope on my 835 and tried to sight it in. It punched me in the face every time. Luckily I always wear shooting glasses so they took the brunt of the impact. I did have a knot on my eyebrow though.

Stand up for the first shot. Do not lean forwards. Keep your feet slightly wide and let your body rock with the recoil. This will let you know what to expect. After that, you can sight it in/pattern test. I don't recommend shooting the gun from a benchrest with 3.5" mags.

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Re: 835 Recoil ?



Do you think the Simms pad made much difference than the factory pad?

One other question, How many of you stayed with the factory turkey choke and how many went with an after-market choke?

Thanks for all the info juys, h.h.

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I havent tried it yet, doesnt look like this weekend either! mad.gif

SNOW mad.gif

But I fired three shots last year at a gobbler, never felt them! In the heat of battle you just never notice the kick! LOL!!!

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Re: 835 Recoil ?


would you think the recoil is harder with the Mossbrg 835 or the Rem 870 express ???

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Which ever one is lighter will have the most felt recoil. If they weigh the same and the same ammo i sused, they kick the same. Depending on how the stock fits you and the recoil pad will determine how you perceive the recoil. The better the gun fits you the less you feel (to a point). If the comb is too high, or too far left (for rt handed shooter) recoil will seem more severe.

A softer pad will distribute the recoil out over a larger area as it compresses. It does not remove recoil, it spreads it out over a longer time to make it more managable. Mossberg guns also come ported. This will reduce recoil quite a bit.

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