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Cried after they shot a deer? Now dont go calling me a big baby or anything. I worked extremely hard for my deer this year and had an incredible amount of respect for the buck i shot. The only people that know that i bawled like a baby are my mom and girlfriend because i called them to tell them the good news right after i shot the buck while my dad was coming with the pickup. My mom immediately thought i had an accident and had shot someone when she heard me on the phone. I think the only time ive cried harder was when my grandma died. I just dont even know how to describe what i was feeling when i shot him. I was thankful that god gave me the chance to harvest him on my last morning to hunt of the season before i had to go back to school. I had hunted as hard as i could for 5 or 6 days straight and hadnt even seen a good buck the whole time. Anyways, has anyone else shed alot of tears because they were happy about the buck they shot and the chance they were given?

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you bet! several times over the years i have cried like a baby. not only for the joy of the gift but for taking a magnificent animals life. Every harvest is a gift !!!!

i will never forget my first moose nearly 20 years ago... took 3 weeks of very hard hunting to nail him down... and it all came together in the last few moments of the light, i spent the night with a small fire and a lantern butchering with a bear in the area... 110 yards from the truck... 1000 + yards AROUND the beaver pond, 11 pack loads of meat and bone. he was the hardest, one yet, and worth every ounce!

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Almost lost it when my son shot his first one, but held it together. I can't remember crying after any of my deer. It is an emotional event though for sure.

Yep, same has gone with my oldest daughter. Definitely emotion filled moments during the hunt and after the shot when you have a kid out.

Cannot recall ever losing it after recovering a deer, but have had plenty of times sitting in the stand that have had to wipe my eyes.

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About two years after my dad passed away I shot, what was at the time, my biggest buck. Him and I hunted this farm together at least once ot twice a year for about 10 years. I also hunt there with my grandpa, so it was kind of a special moment to me. I have a lot of great memories of this place, and hope to be able to take my kids hunting there in a few years.

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Cannot recall ever losing it after recovering a deer, but have had plenty of times sitting in the stand that have had to wipe my eyes.

Oh man, yep, right there. That just gave me goose bumps. Been plenty of those moments, especially in the last 12 years. I constantly thank God for being able to enjoy those moments. Tagging a deer is just the icing.

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Yes. One time I had a three legged button buck being chased by dogs. The one front leg was dangling from the shoulder and I had thought these dogs caught up to it and did the damage. After scaring the dogs off with an arrow between one's ears the little buck stopped about 40 yards out. He was carrying on bawling and bleating like I never heard before. I decided to take him out of his misery. I made the shot and watched as the little guy took a couple steps and fall over. I sat there and cried my eyes out for that poor little deer.

When I got down and went to him I saw that the dangling leg was hanging on by the skin to a healed over shoulder. He must have been hit by a car or something. I cried again....

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I havent cried after taking a deer, but like the rest of you, I have the lump in the throat moment as I walk up to it. I really prefer to track my deer myself, unless I really need help finding it of course. I just like to have some time to myself...

My bow buck this year, I just sat in the woods by him, said Thanks 'Ol Boy, and took in the moment for a while. I was pleasantly surprised this year when my girlfriend shot her first deer of her life( she was not a hunter before she met me), we found it, and she asked 'what do you do now..?'. I said 'we field dress it, and take her to the truck''.........She looked at me and said 'no, what do I do..? Im not sure how to act right now.." I told her to just kneel down, tell the deer 'Thank You', and never forget this day.

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Almost lost it when my son shot his first one, but held it together. I can't remember crying after any of my deer.

Same here with my son's 1st deer. We both got the uncontrollable shakes. That was 16 years ago but I'll always remember that day like it was yesterday.

Closest I've come to it was when I killed a gobbler with my grandfathers singleshot shotgun. I got emotional but didn't quite go to tears. That shotgun was one of the things he left to me after he passed away. It sure gave me that sense of having him with me during that turkey hunt.

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Still waiting for my kids to take his/her first so we'll see.

No tears after a recovery, but have a few times while on stand praying about this thing we call life.

Emotions during a recovery vary for me. Sometimes it hits me as relief when I don't see it fall, other times the "dang straight, that's what I'm talking about" emotion, and other times just a melancholy joy.

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Can't say I have, I sure felt bad when that poor fawn came hobbling across the dam towards me a couple years go, it was wounded by another hunter. Poor thing looked in so much pain, back leg was broke. I just wanted to take it out of it's misery. Had my .300 WSM and leveled it, Felt pretty bad for that little deer. :(

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Can't say I have, I sure felt bad when that poor fawn came hobbling across the dam towards me a couple years go, it was wounded by another hunter. Poor thing looked in so much pain, back leg was broke. I just wanted to take it out of it's misery. Put up my .300 WSM and leveled it, Felt pretty bad for that little deer. :(

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When I was in the army in Germany I had the oppurtunity to hunt some German deer. The Germans and most of the Europeans I believe have an actual cerimony they conduct over the fallen game animal. It pays tribute to the kill. It is a tradition I have continued since returning to the USA.

It is all so the reason I never watch hunting videos anymore. I just feel all the fist pumping, highfiving and celebrating is just not showing the proper respect to the game.


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:yes: It's kinda strange what adrenalin, joy, excitement, and thankfulness can do to a man at times. :):)

Thats it...I did'nt cry over my first deer but when I felt all of the above about how proud of me my Father was in front of all of his friends! It was over making him so happy. There was also something that others may not have mentioned yet...the feeling that there was instantly a connection to all of the past hunters and becoming part of a tradition and history at the same time(very powerful feeling).

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