Our Blessed Day 2 and 3!


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After a particularly stunning opener for me and my buddy things have not gone downhill.

Day 2 was my Buddy's turn to knock down two gobblers and both of these were MASSIVE!


19lbs 1-5/16" spurs 10 1/2" beard; 17lbs 1-1/8" spurs 11 3/4" beard!!!

Two absolute whoppers!

I heard one gobble way off the property I was hunting and couldn't find anything.

Day 3 was my turn.

It started off slow but by 9am things started to heat up. I spotted a group of hens enter a field with two groups of gobblers flanking them. I called and called. Marathon calling! Finally at 10am two of the gobblers peeled off the group and appeared to be heading my way. They entered the woods and I lost sight of them. I keep calling. At 10:30am one of them pops out of the woods and commits to coming in.


He gets nervous but it's too late.


Down for the count.


Another great lowcountry gobbler!


18lbs, 7/8" spurs, 9-1/2" beard.

Wow what a season we are being blessed with this year! I am so thankful!!!

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WOW talk about a hot start to the season. Congrats to you and your friend.

For some reason im not able to see the pics.

What state are you hunting in, didn't you used to hunt in NY state.

I'm hunting South Carolina. Never hunted New York.

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