Pretty upset right now!


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So I took 5 disposable cameras on Spring Break with me because I don't have a digital camera... yet. I take them to Jewel Osco here in Bloomington to get them developed on Tuesday. I had them put on a digital CD so I could upload them onto my computer. I pick the CD up on Wednesday excited to see my pictures and get back to my apt to find half of my pictures are not there. So I take the CD back, explain the situation, and they say they will take the negatives and put all of the pictures on a new CD. I say ok, I will be back tomorrow. I go back today to get the CD and this time I check the CD out before I leave on one of the machines, only to find that still not all of my pictures are there. I had several pictures of deer antlers that I took when I got back to finish out one of the cameras and none of them are there along with some other pictures from break. Some Asian lady that barely speaks English starts trying to help me and does not get my point, that some of the pictures are missing. Finally I get an assistant to talk to me. I tell him that I looked through the negatives and I can't find pictures that I know should be there (at least the ones of the antlers, plus various pictures from break.) He learns from someone else working there that those negatives got thrown away (against policy for them) and that he was sorry. Well, there wasn't anything really that I can do now since the negatives got thrown away, but he gave me a refund on the development of the pictures I got, but I'm still pretty ticked off about this. I have a lot of the pictures it's just kind of upsetting that these pictures are missing and the ones from break I won't be able to replace. What makes it even more upsetting is that the reason it happened was because some people didn't follow a simple policy. I don't know what would ever make them throw the negatives away to begin with.

Sorry, just had to rant. Thanks for listening.

BTW, I will not be taking any more pictures to be developed there and I hope to have a digital camera soon so this can't happen anymore.

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That stinks big time...Yes, definitely get a digital camera. Although this past summer at camp I took some photos on my digital...and come to find they are not there...Don't know if someone messed with my cam and deleted them or what, but it was a bummer. Pics can tell so many memories...and you can't replace photos.

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...I didn't realize they still made film cameras!

Seriously, that really sucks brother. I usually do my stuff on-line and have them delivered...but if I need them quick, I take my stuff to the "West side" Walmart.

You can get a nice digital camera pretty cheap these days...and you won't have to worry about that crap anymore.

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Just another example of you get what you pay for. There is a reason prices are cheaper at the BIG BOX stores and lack of customer service is one of them.

If the employees can't speak English they probably can't read it either. So even if they had a policiy, the probably illegal imigrant couldn't read it any way.

If the pictures were that important to you you should have taken them to a photo store.

I know it sucks and I'm sorry you lost your pictures. Hopefully though you learned a lesson.


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Been there with the lessons learned from film cameras.

As a matter of fact my Wife, which I have had to drag into the modern world, still has 17 undeveloped disposable cameras!!!

The first digital camera I ever owned I got in a trade from someone here on the forums for some old hunting videos!

The next one I bought on sale at Radio Shack for under $80.

Now I have a Fuji Film 10mp camera that if I handed it the toilet paper it would...ah...well you get the picture(no pun intended):D

The real benefit of these cameras though is you can review the pictures and either take the SD card or the entire camera to anywhere that has a photo processing machine and print out only what you want. You could also print out your own at home if you have a photo quality printer and photo quality paper. You can also print them on regular paper but after a few years you start to see some decline in the pictures quality. I can say that because I printed out the picture my Wife took of me and my first Bow deer. It's started to fade a little and I wish I had used the better quality paper for such a print!

Find out what you want the camera you choose to be capable of then take the time to research out the cameras online before you buy;)

Edited by GWSmith
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  buckee said:
Maybe they have an anti-hunter working there, who was offended by the shed pictures...LOL

That's a possibility!! LOL

Thanks for the advice everyone. Ya i'm definitely going to research some different cameras and my sister knows a lot about cameras so I'm going to talk to her and have her help me out with my choice.

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I was thinking the pictures you lost probably were bikini shots and some dude that's never seen a bikini live took them. The antlers, though...I guess anti, or and unscrupulous poacher type. Who knows why some people continue to walk the earth, though clearly brain dead. They do keep me in business, though.


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I had trouble with some pics are just blanks and dealing with getting them developed same way with my old deer cam that was film. So that's why I spent the money to buy a digital and that way I can scroll through and delete them if wanted or maybe decided to re-take a pic because I didn't like the way it came out it is ALOT less headache. Same with the deer cam all the pic I can now just load straight to the computer.

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I know your pain. I have no pictures of a large buck and an elk with crowns for tops I shot because I used disposable cameras and had to take them to be developed. I was visiting a friend in a very liberal, excessively happy, very excessively happy town and the only pics I got back were shots of the scenery I took. I was livid and nearly arrested. Immediately invested in a digital camera to avoid being prosecuted for a hate crime in the future. :D


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I would start dropping as much negative feed back about this place as I can. BBB, local personal reviews, it's a load of crap. I wouldn't have stoped with getting my money back I would of wanted the value of the disposable cameras replaced. Give them as much crap as they give you. I would also write the corprate or the owner and let them know what they did and what you were going to do.

Sorry to hear about that.

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