Spring has Sprung


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Spring has officially started in the northern hemisphere according to the Googlizations (new word?) I browsed today. At approximately 1:32 p.m. EDT the sun crossed the equator. That event is referred to as the vernal equinox and heralded spring for 2010. I know, too much information!

It'll soon be turkey season and 'ol TBow is a gon'na try his hand at them beareded devils this year. I took the MNR's Turkey Seminar a few years ago, but have only made it out about 2 or 3 times since. But retirement will offer me the oportunity to be a turkey's worst nightmare.....or biggest source of amusement, whichever the case will be this year!


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Well heck I guess that means it was almost 70 degrees last week and it was still winter. I was talking to my grandparents who are down in Florida right now and it was warmer here than there! Last night it was 50 degrees at midnight and this morning at 7:00 when I was going to work there was snow flurries. Crazy how the temperature changes that quick.

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