Muley sheds vs. Whitetail sheds

Diamond Archer 01

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This may come off as a stupid question to you guys but I am just curious about it. How do you tell that a shed is a whitetail shed and not a muley shed or the other way around. I can tell some of them apart but how do you tell like the difference between a whitetail spike and a muley spike? I am just curious about this and figured some of you guys know.

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Well like I was telling you earlier. It is pretty much impossible too tell the difference. It is just kind of the area u find it in. Like we found a couple of spikes today but we just knew that they were muleys because that is mule deer area and Bret had seen big packs of muleys there. But if u put a muley spike and a whitetail spike beside eachother it would be impossible to tell the difference.

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