Walking with a nocked arrow?


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Hi guys:

Just watched a show for the first time called "Trophy Quest" with John Wilson, on the outdoor channel. While hunting elk in Idaho he walked with an arrow nocked in his bow. Not just some of the time the whole time.

I was taught this was very dangerous and still believe that it is dangerous. Just wondering how many of you out there walk with an arrow nocked?? Am I old fashioned and out of date??

Good luck to all

the dog

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Guys that sit in trees all day should never walk with a nocked arrow...the platform is way too small.:nono:

Ground pounders without an arrow nocked are probably hunting with guns.:D

Almost always have one on the string unless I'm in a tricky spot or negotiating some tough terrain. Just a common sence thing.

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I always, always always walk and still-hunt with a nocked arrow. That is one of the reasons I love the Whisker-Biscuit so much. If you are still-hunting, it's a must.

I don't understand what could be dangerous about it. It's not like your walking around with a gun with the safety off.

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Walking to the stands it is rare that I would have one knocked, although I cannot deny that I have in the afternoons around the rut walking up hills to field edges. I have attempted to stalk deer in the bottom and had an arrow knocked as well, but that is slow moving and not really much risk of any accidents.

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  Wobbly_Alaska said:

Originally Posted by mallard_drake85 viewpost.gif

If I'm walking to my stand (before legal shooting hours) or out of my stand after sunset, I always have an arrow nocked.

if it is not legal to shoot, why are you ready to?

i dont carry my rifle with one in the pipe either... never shot anything i did not have time to load and take proper aim.

I do too, not to shoot a deer or anything illegally, but for protection while hunting in Bear, wolf and cougar country. It just makes me feel safer.

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Major safety violation here boysLooks like non of you boys have ever taken Bowhunter education programWalking with nocked arrow is a NO NO and a MAJOR SAFETY ISSUE.Arrows should not be nocked until game is sighted and you ready to make the stalk and kill.First of all walking with a nocked arrow will cause the arrow to become dull quickly as grass and weeds dull the sharp blades you have worked so hard to get sharp.Next the highest percentage of self inflected a arrow wound are sticking yourself with the arrow in your legs or body.Bowhunting accidents hurt the sport and all-of us.I have hunted for longer than most of you have been on earth and i have never lost a shot opportunity because i didn't have a nocked arrowthats what bow quivers are for even the North American Indian had carried an arrow clutch next to the bow for fast shot.You are also are risk of poking your buddy:stupid:Its not fun to spend a day in ER telling them how a well trained and nd equipped bowhunter managed to poke a Broadhead into his book leg or butt.i have seen all three.Not much fun but it never happened to me TGi dont know this Wilson dude but he may be a self taught" TV expert" who haver learned the right way to bowhunt. :stupid:go to the national bowhunter education Foundation on the net See what they have to say about itIts worse then walking around with a loaded round in-the chamber with the safety off.:stupid:i bet the guys on TV That walk around with a nocked arrow do likewise with firearm with a loaded round up the spout so they wont miss that fast quick shot with the elk pops up in front of him for a quick shot..

ass and a half.jpg


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I rarely have an arrow knocked going to or from the stand....except going into an afternoon november hunt. And if I still hunt a bit, I will have one knocked unless the foliage does not permit it.

I dont see how you could poke yourself....just like a gun, dont point it at yourself and you are fine.

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You guys walk about with a nocked arrow?:jaw:

W-h-y ?

Ever seen a nocked arrow fetch up on a tree limb?...It swings back towards ya, doesn't it.;) It pivots on the string.

Now imagine...you start to slip...toss the bow away from you...you're potentially (probably) looking at the business end of that arrow because it pivots.

The arrow is longer than your arms...so if you fall towards it, it's going in you.

If you roll over it, the blades are going to cut you...and hopefully, that cut isn't your femoral artery !

I don't know that I have ever stalked the woods with an arrow on the string. Sure...after spotting a deer I'll take one out of the quiver...but it doesn't go on the string until the last instant.

There is no deer big enough for me to risk a slip or tumble and end up on the wrong end of a broadhead...just because maybe it'll allow a shot.

Walking a field's edge or hauling road?...possibly...but never in the bush.

It's an unsafe practice.....for sure.

An preventable accident looking for a place to happen...IMHO.


Edited by Bob LeBlanc
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I guess I'm an exception to the group here. I NEVER walk around with a nocked arrow. Just doesn't make sense to me. Not even if I'm doing a spot and stalk hunt on windy days for whitetail. Too much risk of catching it on brush limbs, etc. not to mention the danger risk involved.

I've had more than enough time to pull and nock an arrow when the opportunity appeared like it was going to present itself when moving around at ground level. My attitude is...if you have to have an arrow nocked all the time while moving around to get a shot, you probably weren't going to get a shot at a deer, elk, or whatever that wasn't already alerted to your presence.

I've killed whitetail stalking before and never needed to have the arrow nocked before I saw them. I've gone to Wyoming & New Mexico on spot and stalk mulie and elk hunts. I would definitely not consider moving around with a nocked arrow in that country. I still got shots on each hunt. Missed an elk and killed a mulie.

Edited by Rhino
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  The_Kat said:
I could care less what the bowhunters safety whatever ya call it says. Comparing walking with a knocked arrow to a loaded firearm is just ridiculous.

I agree. The chance of me hurting myself with a nocked arrow is alot lower than alot of other things that could happen to me out there. I dont walk with an arrow knocked very often, but I do occasionally. I know one thing....i can think of about 3 different times where I would have probably gotten a shot at an animal if I had an arrow knocked but didnt.

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