camoman1 Posted March 23, 2010 Report Share Posted March 23, 2010 Do you guys who think its unsafe to have an arrow knocked, hunt from a treestand??? If yes, are you attached to a fall arrest system while you are climbing the tree? You could slip and fall if not.... Do you have rattling horns with you? could puncture yourself with those if you fall. Do you have binos/range finder around your neck while on stand? If you fall, you could hang yourself... Theres lots of things that 'could' happen...I just dont see it being a big risk having a knocked arrow while still hunting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GWSmith Posted March 23, 2010 Report Share Posted March 23, 2010 Still hunting a trail or logging road I have one ready! ..but dont do as I do...I run with Scissors in the house:D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Straight Shooter Posted March 23, 2010 Report Share Posted March 23, 2010 I agree whole heartily with Tink on this one. I don't walk with an arrow knocked, and good luck on hitting something coming at you in the dark, getting your bow drawn, and accurately hitting this thing that is about to chew your butt up. I'd much rather have the arrow in my hand and stabbing this critter several times versus' having only one shot and possibly missing. I can get an arrow out of my quiver quicker than putting a release on the string, drawing the bow back, and keeping an eye on what is going to eat me. To each his own this topic on whether they want to be a statistic or not. Stalking an animal during legal shooting and having an arrow nocked is a no -brainer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dbHunterNY Posted March 24, 2010 Report Share Posted March 24, 2010 i only do when i still hunt into and out of a stand. otherwise if i'm on the move there's no point. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
njbowhntr Posted March 24, 2010 Report Share Posted March 24, 2010 (edited) I do not walk with an arrow knocked. I do not still hunt with an arrow knocked. It is just one more way to get yourself hurt by your own arrow. We never mean to fall, it just happens. And if you have an arrow knocked, the fall just became alot worse. I have shot alot of deer still hunting with the longbow, and I have to knock the arrow before shooting. Here is a question taken from the NJ bowhunting exam: 35. T F You should walk to your treestand with an arrow knocked in case you see a deer along the way. Just so you know, the answer is "F"alse. 35 T F You should walk to your treestand with an arrow knocked in case you see a deer along the way. Edited March 24, 2010 by njbowhntr Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prairiepredator Posted March 24, 2010 Report Share Posted March 24, 2010 I do most of the time. When we are out mule deer hunting, you never know when a big boy is gonna pop out of the bush in front of you so you want to be prepared. The less time you can take and the less movement you can make to get ready to shoot at something, the better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
toddyboman Posted March 24, 2010 Report Share Posted March 24, 2010 I never have an arrow knocked while walking around (still hunting or walking to and from stands). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tony Posted March 24, 2010 Report Share Posted March 24, 2010 he who is not prepared to shoot a deer will not shoot a deer.:yes: those that walk to there stands with no release on, arrows in there pack or in there quiver, eventually will run into a deer standing there laughing at you. while you fumble to get an arrow out and nocked, its still laughing at you. then it runs off and stops at 60 yards and then snorts its head off still laughing. i ALWAYS stalk to my stand with an arrow nocked as long as its during legal hunting times. after not getting shots at 2 bucks that were over 160 class, this was enough to teach me, BE prepared. but of course terrain and conditions dictate you be as safe as you can. Tony Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bow hunter steve Posted March 26, 2010 Report Share Posted March 26, 2010 i only would do that ground hunting a bear or somethin lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ravin R10 man Posted March 26, 2010 Report Share Posted March 26, 2010 (edited) Bob LeBlanc said: Really? You guys walk about with a nocked arrow?:jaw: W-h-y ? Ever seen a nocked arrow fetch up on a tree limb?...It swings back towards ya, doesn't it. It pivots on the string. Now start to slip...toss the bow away from're potentially (probably) looking at the business end of that arrow because it pivots. The arrow is longer than your if you fall towards it, it's going in you. If you roll over it, the blades are going to cut you...and hopefully, that cut isn't your femoral artery ! I don't know that I have ever stalked the woods with an arrow on the string. Sure...after spotting a deer I'll take one out of the quiver...but it doesn't go on the string until the last instant. There is no deer big enough for me to risk a slip or tumble and end up on the wrong end of a broadhead...just because maybe it'll allow a shot. Walking a field's edge or hauling road?...possibly...but never in the bush. It's an unsafe practice.....for sure. An preventable accident looking for a place to happen...IMHO. Bob Honestly!!! You've GOT to be kidding me!?? My wife asked me once how we can walk around with those things sticking out like that....LOL ....ok seriously.... Why is walking into the stand during legal shooting hours sneak hunting with an arrow knocked NOT a good idea? It's like grouse hunting or deer hunting..without any shells in your gun...DUH!!...Do you know how many deer Ive walked right up on?? OR have walked up to me?? Nobody said they pull the bow up with a "knocked arrow". NOR should you pull up a rifle ''loaded''..I'll agree with that..You bet!! Im not just picking on your post Bob... Edited March 26, 2010 by Mathews XT Man Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ruttinbuc Posted March 27, 2010 Report Share Posted March 27, 2010 I have stayed away from this post for the obvious reasons. Yes, I do stalk to my stands with a knocked arrow. I still hunt with a knocked arrow. The difference is using a bow sling over the shoulder that keeps the bow in one position at my side all the time. Of course you need be careful, but that should be foremost in your mind in any hunting situation. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob LeBlanc Posted March 28, 2010 Report Share Posted March 28, 2010 No worries, Mathews XT Man...:beer: It's not something I do...and I am primarily a still hunter. I have seen an arrow 'flip'...and, honestly, I have actual nightmares of what could have been. It is only through His good graces that it wasn't tragic. It can happen so-o-o-o fast and unexpectedly...I guess that's why they're called accidents. LOL For me as a witness to it? was a lessoned learned. Bob:rockon: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ravin R10 man Posted March 28, 2010 Report Share Posted March 28, 2010 Bob...with todays whisker biscuit and other rests that keep the arrow on the rest..that cant happen Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elkoholic Posted March 29, 2010 Report Share Posted March 29, 2010 It is amazing which safety rules we decide to ignore (it will never happen to me) and what reasoning we use to justify our position. I watched that same show and came away with the same impression. It actually looked like his guide was about to get stuck a few times. I have been archery hunting for more than 40 years and have never felt the need to walk around with a knocked arrow. During the final stages of a stalk, where a shot opportunity is eminent, a knocked arrow makes sense, but at that time one is hardly moving. It is not a life or death issue if one misses a shot opportunity but it may turn into one if you accidentally severe an artery. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tink Posted March 29, 2010 Report Share Posted March 29, 2010 Its a shame Some folks brag about violation of basic safety rules remember the guys that bragged he never wore a safety harness?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wobbly_Alaska Posted March 29, 2010 Report Share Posted March 29, 2010 Tink said: Some folks brag about violation of basic safety rules remember the guys that bragged he never wore a safety harness?? i have to agree with tink again... though most of you are fortunate enough to be-able to hunt near ER services should an accident happen, me i have to carry suture kits, pain meds, and a Novocaine paste should we have an accident, could be days before we got out to ER service or at least many hours before we could get to a location that a helicopter could land on us. i have broke 5 ribs 55 miles from the nearest road... seen cheeks split clean open by a branch in the cold... super glued serious knife and broad head cuts in camp.... really easy for the unexpected to happen... really easy.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tink Posted March 29, 2010 Report Share Posted March 29, 2010 Thanks for making my point Sir You know Bushcraft and survival Good for you I would love to cut your trail someday Tink Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joeaveragehunter Posted April 1, 2010 Report Share Posted April 1, 2010 I Always hunt out west with an arrow knocked. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wobbly_Alaska Posted April 1, 2010 Report Share Posted April 1, 2010 Tink said: You know Bushcraft and survival Good for you I would love to cut your trail someday Tink Make a scent that makes moose hunting eaiser... and i will personally come down and KISS YOU!:jaw::1eye: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tink Posted April 1, 2010 Report Share Posted April 1, 2010 Moose Hunting :tt1: Wobbly_Alaska said: [/color][/u][/i][/b] Make a scent that makes moose hunting eaiser... and i will personally come down and KISS YOU!:jaw::1eye: We can leave the physical stuff out OK Tinks Smoking Sticks now has Moose flavored and Tinks Moose Scent is synthetic so our Canadian hunters can use it as they French things moose piss causes CWD. Like Spoons make Rosie Fat Aye? Cheers TINK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tink Posted April 1, 2010 Report Share Posted April 1, 2010 Moose LuresMoose huntign is never esy but it works Fred Law set up his stand a yea ago and Lit the Tinks Moose smoke stick and 5 min later a Bull lay dead with a Single arrow TINK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bob LeBlanc Posted April 1, 2010 Report Share Posted April 1, 2010 Tink said: ...Like Spoons make Rosie Fat Aye?... Nope...GRAZING 12 hours a day makes Rosie fat !!! Bob:hammer1: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mossyhorn Posted April 5, 2010 Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 (edited) On the way to stand never but that because it is dark out. Never when I pull it up the tree. But the last thing I do before I hang my bow is knock an arrow. When I am done pull it off lower the bow and climb down where I put it back on just in case. If I am with someone hunting it all depends who is leading the stalk. The man up front is on the ready should we come across a deer. Then man in the back for lack of better words has his bow on safety. To tell the truth I never thought of it as a safety issue. How is it this is harmful and running a razor over your throat to remove hair is safe or even walk across the kitchen with a steak knife. Edited April 5, 2010 by mossyhorn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redkneck Posted April 5, 2010 Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 Well unless you're using a straight razor you wont cut your neck more than a fraction of an inch deep. As for the steak knife, it's short enough to hold out at arm's length or throw away from yourself should you fall. The few times I've walked with a knocked arrow, I keep my right index finger in front of the release trigger and my left one hooked over the shaft at the release. This way I can easily release the whole thing if I need to or if I dont I have at least a finger over the arrow to keep it from pivoting. I'm not saying it's a safe practice, but it sure isn't the dumbest thing I ever do either. :chair: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mossyhorn Posted April 5, 2010 Report Share Posted April 5, 2010 redkneck said: Well unless you're using a straight razor you wont cut your neck more than a fraction of an inch deep. As for the steak knife, it's short enough to hold out at arm's length or throw away from yourself should you fall. The few times I've walked with a knocked arrow, I keep my right index finger in front of the release trigger and my left one hooked over the shaft at the release. This way I can easily release the whole thing if I need to or if I dont I have at least a finger over the arrow to keep it from pivoting. I'm not saying it's a safe practice, but it sure isn't the dumbest thing I ever do either. :chair: Thats what I was getting at there....people do unsafe things everyday its just about know whats really dangerous and whats good practice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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