Walking with a nocked arrow?


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I maintain an awsome respect for the damage that a broadhead can do. I am also a believer in Murphy's law. I also, have never seen a situation where I didn't have time to pop an arrow out of my quiver and put it on the string. For me, bowhunting is not about fast-draw techniques and hurried shots, so if while I am still hunting (which is seldom) or walking to or from my stand, If I encounter a deer that has spotted me, it really doesn't make any difference whether the arrow is nocked or not. 98% of the time I will never get the bow up and execute a carefully aimed shot anyway. If he hasn't spotted me, then I have lots of time to remove the arrow from my quiver and place it on my string. It really is no big deal. So what's the big advantage of walking around with this razor sharp item sticking out in front of you. It just makes it one more thing that you have to keep track of one more thing to distract your attention from spotting that deer first. Unhandy, uncomfortable, and unecessary.

Oh, and by the way, a word about Murphy's Law. I once was walking through some brush when my hip quiver hooked on some brush, popped loose an arrow, sprung the darn thing pinwheeling forward where it landed nock first with the broadhead point toward me and supported on some golden-rod, elevated about shin-high. Fortunately, it was just slightly off to the side so that the step that I was taking at the same moment passed by without encountering the broadhead. Freak accident? ...... You bet. But it just shows that as soon as you feel real comfortable that all is safe and well, old Uncle Murphy is there to take advantage of that over-confidence. By the way, that old hip quiver went in the trash.


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