Can You Start A Fire?


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I really enjoy watching some of the real TV series about survivor situations. Shows like Survivorman, Man vs Wild, and yes even a few of the Survivor series, well at least the first couple shows where the participants actually have to exhibit some woodlore skills. I don't like the bickering and pettiness of the Survivor show, but the short bouts of survivor displays, or lack of, are interseting.

They all usually display small segments about starting a fire, or at least trying to start a fire without the use of matches, lighters or man made devices such as flint starters, magnifying glasses and the like.

It got me to thinking if I could start a fire by doing the rubbing two sticks together or something like that. I think I could, but then again I've never really tried. I'm not sure that it's just as simple as rubbing two stick together and PRESTO! There's a little more involved than that I'm sure, but I still think I could do it given the time and the know like not freezing at night!

So how about you? Have you ever started a fire like that, or do you think you could start a fire given that you had absolutely no man-made items to git'er done?


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I once managed enough hot ember by using a homemade bow drill to light a tinder bundle, but that's about as far as that got lol. So many other ways to be prepared to go about building fire it's really not worth the effort unless it's to test your own skills or amuse a crowd.

Then again at one point this winter my fingers got so cold I couldn't use them propperly to get a lighter lit much less a fire started. That's when a fresh set of legs to get you back to camp quickly where the coals are already stoked are your best friend.:yes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have made a fire using the bow drill while i was in boy scouts, how ever it was nice to know i could make one like that if needed, but it takes a long time to get it going good enough to get the moss or tender hot enough to get a hot ember to transfer to the other tender, it realy dont work if its damp out outside either, so i'l just stick to my magnesium lighter.

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That's one of those things I always said I was going to try but never did. I guess one day when I have absolutely nothing to do I'll give it a go, but that day hasnt come yet. I'm with Matt, it's better to spend an extra minute being prepared than hours trying to make up for it, not to mention in my part of the world you usually don't need such skills.

Of course like most folks, I spend time burning crap with a magnifying glass as a kid so maybe that qualifies. :D

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I have started one quit a few times using a bow type, i just get a knife and cut a small hole in a log, then get a strong branch about 18 inches long and flexable, then some good strong string thsi is th hard part if in the bush becosu thinner string just breaks with the fast pulling and pushing, I have tried paper, dry grass, but the best is use dry moss off of the north side of trees, it gets thrown into the hot enbers on the end of a pokey stick and smolders, then I add more moss or grass and then add it to asmall teepee of twigs, usually takes about 5 minutes of hard work but does usually work!! I did it as a point to prove, now I just do it to prove to non believers lol!@! try it it works and its awsome thing at a get together!!

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