Thinking about turning 40...


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I am thinking about my 40th birthday. I want it to be memorable. Today I am 39 1/2, officially. I was thinking about what to do to mark my 40th while on a run tonight. I am not running another marathon. Here is what I came up with-a 40 mile march to mark the day and raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project (a well-respected charity to help reintegrate wounded veterans into society-Google them up, or find them on FB). Would you be willing to get behind something like this? I can't think of a better birthday present that the warm fuzzy from knowing I helped do something good for these folks that have laid it on the line for my country. Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback, please!



{Apologies to my fb friends since I published this there, too.}

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yea. i can think of something better. do the walk, raise the money, then INVITE one of those soldiers to hunt with you. use the money you raise to pay his expenses. i've worked with tons of folks in wheelchairs and most of them are poor as a church mouse. so raise the funds for his gas, license, etc. and TAKE him hunting.

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yea. i can think of something better. do the walk, raise the money, then INVITE one of those soldiers to hunt with you. use the money you raise to pay his expenses. i've worked with tons of folks in wheelchairs and most of them are poor as a church mouse. so raise the funds for his gas, license, etc. and TAKE him hunting.

thats a heck of an idea.!!!...

THEN get drunk with him/her and start a midlife crisis:drink:

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That is a great idea, Steve. I am not set up to guide or host anything, though. I own exactly .52 acres. The thing I liked about going through the Wounded Warrior Project is that I don't handle any money, and $.83 of every dollar goes directly to aid real heroes in getting a life back on track. The logistic framework is in place and supporters can donate direct at a special page on their site, and they generate the thank you's (think tax deduction.)


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That is a great idea, Steve. I am not set up to guide or host anything, though. I own exactly .52 acres. The thing I liked about going through the Wounded Warrior Project is that I don't handle any money, and $.83 of every dollar goes directly to aid real heroes in getting a life back on track. The logistic framework is in place and supporters can donate direct at a special page on their site, and they generate the thank you's (think tax deduction.)


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That is a great idea, Steve. I am not set up to guide or host anything, though. I own exactly .52 acres. The thing I liked about going through the Wounded Warrior Project is that I don't handle any money, and $.83 of every dollar goes directly to aid real heroes in getting a life back on track. The logistic framework is in place and supporters can donate direct at a special page on their site, and they generate the thank you's (think tax deduction.)


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I turned 40 and three months later I had a heart attack.

My wife turned 40 and four months later she was diagnosed with Cancer.

40 is not a good number around here. Maybe 50 will be kinder.

Do what you wish to celebrate, it's definately downhill from here on out.

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