Beards or Bust

Team Realtree

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I want to break away from the turkey room with this just in case some folks have missed it.

During a 10 day period next month, Realtree will be trying something never before attempted in the outdoor industry. It's called "Beards or Bust." Two 2-man teams (a hunter and a cameraman) will attempt to take a turkey grand slam in just 10 days. During that time, we will cover it all live with video, Twitter, and Facebook posts. They will broadcast from their trucks on the road, the camps, the woods, or wherever they might be at the time. Additionally, David Blanton will broadcast here from our office every afternoon with a live updates and critiques of the hunter's day on the road or in the woods.

We hope everyone will try to tune in and watch. The success of this event could lead to live coverage from the road next fall during deer and other seasons. Tell your friends and bookmark the page below and help us make this a great success. Thanks, S

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update:

Team APG (Phillip and Eddie) pulled ahead yesterday with their third bird (A Rio in OK) after Team AP (Daniel and Jeff) had taken their second (a Merriam in SD) on Monday. Well, Team AP just tied it up again taking a Rio in Kansas. The last bird taken by each team was done while wearing a Waffle House cap (which gets each team an additional 10 points in scoring).

So AP needs an Eastern and APG (Headed to Colorado) needs their Merriam to finish their slams, which could happen today and in record time. If your not watching the live feeds they are sending, or following them on Twitter, you should. All the clips are on the site and it will be exciting to see who wins. Each team has had different strategies but when it comes down to it, we are doing something that has never been done before and could change how we do all our hunt coverage going forward.

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Eddie Salter for Team AP just took an OSCEOLA, EASTERN, RIO and MERRIAM in 4 successive days while travelling by truck across North America.

He completed their slam tonight in Colorado with a nice Merriam. I suspect Team AP will fill their Eastern tag in the morning in Kansas. If not then, definately somewhere on the road back.

This is not not a timed race. The winning team will be decided when the scoring is done on Sunday night. I will say that what Eddie accomplished today and what Team APG will get done tomorrow or Friday has probably never been done before. Pretty amazing and we have covered it all live (which I know hasn't been done). These guys have done a great job.

Be sure to tune in the rest of the week for continued coverage.

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