Have a problem and need help quick


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I had my bow shooting great before the season started, I didn't shoot it for two weeks and the day before I left to go to the camp I shot it again. It was shooting three inches low so I readjusted the sight and went hunting, when I got back I shot it again and once again it was shooting low. I checked everything on my bow again and nothing appeared to have moved, I shot it through paper and it was shooting bullet holes. Well I readjusted AGAIN and put it up. I took it out yesterday evening to double check everything before I leave tonight and it's shooting low again!!!! The only thing I can figure is maybe my cams are getting dry? What would be the easiest way to lube them? I can't get to a bow shop to put it in a bow press so I need an quick fix. I'm leaving to go to my camp tonight after work. By the way I have been on alot of bow sites and this one is the best one by far, I really like how there's not a lot of bashing of other peoples choice of equipment. I hate how some people think that just because they like what they have everybody elses is junk. Some of the others I go to start out with someone asking a question and before it's over you have people argueing because they don't use what thay have! Thanks

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Re: Have a problem and need help quick

I had a similiar problem earlier this year, thought it was just the string stretching but turns out the whole sight bracket was loose.It moved every time i shot.If you havent take and double check all your screws in the rest and sights.If they just worked looses a little bit it could be moving while you shoot and not be noticably loose, use an allen wrench or screw driver and make sure everythings snugged down good.Otherwise I dont know what would cause it.

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Re: Have a problem and need help quick

Have someone watch you shoot and study your shooting form. It sounds like a problem I had a few years back that was actually a form of target panic or buck fever. I would bring the pin up onto target and my arm would get locked below the spot I wanted to hit. At times I couldn't bring my arm up to save my life. The brain would say "raise your arm you dummy" but the arm wouldn't listen. Similarly, it may be that you are dropping your arm during release without even knowing it.

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Re: Have a problem and need help quick

Hey, Have someone watch you shoot, Like inbowhunter said... You might be dropping your arm and not even know it... I went through the same thing, dropping my arm just a hair will throw you off big time. I had my bud watch me shoot and i was dropping my arm......... Remain perfectly still not even moving your arm that you use to release, once the arrow hits the target, move all you want......

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Re: Have a problem and need help quick

inconsistent form sounds like the culprit!!!!!!!! have a friend(hopefuly one that knows archery) watch you...if not have someone at the local pro shop watch you.......... you would be surprised how many problems get fixed by adjusting or perfecting your form!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Have a problem and need help quick

Well I just got back from the camp and managed to get a nice sized doe, the bow is still shooting on from my last adjustment??????? Maybe it was my form but the fact that my sight is now quite a bit lower than it was when this started and the bow is still shooting bullets thru paper makes no since what so ever. As long as it stays I'll be happy but if it starts going low again I haven't got a clue what I'm going to do! Thank everyone for the advice and I will get a friend to watch my form sometime this week.

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