6 more years............


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You heard it here first.

O'Bama will be re-elected in 2012. Essentailly giving him and the Libs' 8 years to reek holy havoc on the USA.


Because the GOP and their bunch of panty waste members cannot stand up for what is their core values.

If Health Care Reform cannot be defeated with 68% of the country opposing it. How can you expect the GOP to stand up against or for anything? This is the same party that gave us John McCain.............enough said.

The Tea Party will split votes..........(ala Ross Perot) and we'll get 4 more years of O'Bama.

And don't even try and mention Palin................ she'll be instant death for any party.

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LOL, i just had lunch to day with the head of Ak's republican party and the next GOV... i know for one... Mr Senator mark Begich... (D AK) will be looking for work next NOV... ( he's been nailed to pelosies bed post since he replaced Stevens) today AK legislator voted to join the law suit against the health care bill... and the funny thing is....

the Senate Still has not voted their half in... HMMMMM wonder who's watching....;)

oboy is a single termer... all ANYONE has to do is explain to the morons that voted him in.... IT AIN'T FREE LIKE HE PROMISED it would be....

but you know what? the GOV fine of 2% of income is STILL cheaper then health care... UNTIL i need it.... (oops no more pre existing conditions exclusions....)

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I think you are wrong.

I saw a poll the other day that 68% of American voters surveyed wanted ALL incumbents across both parties replaced in November.

If you have an I in front of your name, you are toast...I hope.

The pure Democrats don't have enough to elect anyone, nor do the Republicans. The independents elected amabo and his ilk so it still hinges with them.

Americans have a significantly short memory so if amabo was smart he would stop pushing legislation and use the friendly media to push what HE considers the positives of the HC legislation. But he isn't....Pelosi said that they model they used to pass HC would be that which they use for Cap and Trade and Immigration amnesty.


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  Newarcher said:
I think you are wrong.

I saw a poll the other day that 68% of American voters surveyed wanted ALL incumbents across both parties replaced in November.


68% of voters opposed Health Care as well..............How"d that work out for you?

There will be a HUGE FLUSHING this November. That's a fact. However, Liberals are still Liberals and Conservatives are still Conservatives. NOBODY HAS CHANGED THEIR SPOTS HERE. There will be a slight shift to the right, but not enough for anyone to really notice. And incumbents will be replaced with NEW FACES.............not NEW IDEALS. There will be a few more seats with the letter "R" on them. But, there's a big difference between having a "R" by your name and being Conservative. The past 12 months have proven that.

Let's flash ahead to November 2012....................

Who will dethrone O'Bama ???

He's got the Media in his pocket and the full support of 40% of the voters. That number may vary, but 40% of this country is comprised of idiots...........that won't change.

The GOP is really going to have to find a magic ticket.. Romney/Huckabee would be a good place to start, or else they'll be facing instant party splitting, and we'll have four more years of O'Bama.

I don't believe that the GOP is that smart.............They'll give us some warm little fuzzy choice ala McCain/Palin and a large percentage will shift to Third party and solidify O'Bama's second term.

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  JJL said:
68% of voters opposed Health Care as well..............How"d that work out for you?

There will be a HUGE FLUSHING this November. That's a fact. However, Liberals are still Liberals and Conservatives are still Conservatives. NOBODY HAS CHANGED THEIR SPOTS HERE. There will be a slight shift to the right, but not enough for anyone to really notice. And incumbents will be replaced with NEW FACES.............not NEW IDEALS. There will be a few more seats with the letter "R" on them. But, there's a big difference between having a "R" by your name and being Conservative. The past 12 months have proven that.

Let's flash ahead to November 2012....................

Who will dethrone O'Bama ???

He's got the Media in his pocket and the full support of 40% of the voters. That number may vary, but 40% of this country is comprised of idiots...........that won't change.

The GOP is really going to have to find a magic ticket.. Romney/Huckabee would be a good place to start, or else they'll be facing instant party splitting, and we'll have four more years of O'Bama.

I don't believe that the GOP is that smart.............They'll give us some warm little fuzzy choice ala McCain/Palin and a large percentage will shift to Third party and solidify O'Bama's second term.

I don't believe that 40% of the people in this country approve of Obama Jim. Last polling numbers I saw on his approval were in the 30's. He fares much better than congress, but still with a percentage of the population in the 30's that approve of him or the job he is doing at this point where they are only less than half way into his term, you have to realize the majority of those 30some % are still holding to that "hope" that he is bringing the "change" he promised to them and a number of those folks are going to be a bit disappointed. A percentage of those folks will likely eventually see that Obama's promises to them are not what they expected and think there is a good chance they will vote that way in 2012. Look at how many have already seen it and realized their mistake just this far in.

Far as the gop bringing someone who can get more votes than Obama, we will see what happens.

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Even if his approval #'s are in the teens, which the mainstream media will never allow to be reported, there are still people who will vote democrat. They just will.

43% will get you the presidency with a split GOP.

for instance:

William Clinton Democratic 44,909,806 (43.01%) George H.W. Bush Republican 39,104,550 (37.45%) H Ross Perot Independent 19,743,821 (18.91)

I guess my point is that if the GOP cannot unify and give us a decent ticket, O'Bama will prevail.

Given their mediocrity in '08 and their performance in the last 16 months, I see no real evidence that they're even trying...................Despite what FOX NEWS might have you to believe.

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I disagree also. I think he is going to keep going more & more left with his policies & people are totally fed up!

That said, the GOP needs to come up with a REAL candidate, not some cardboard cutout!

IF he is re elected, at least we know their poewr will not be un-checked like it is now! He should be pretty well neutered because I truely believe the Repubs will win back the house & maybe the senate in 2010..

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That's funny you guys are talking about GOP candidates that can win the election against Obama as i've been thinking about this for a few weeks. I think Romney is too far to the middle and Palin won't stand a chance. I heard ol' Newt is on the fence about running and he might be able to win. Other than that, I can't think of anyone right now.

Might have to just vote for Ron Paul!

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Elections are won by the independents. Repubs don't change nor do Dems...not the hardliners anyway. So the middle elected amabo and will unseat him.

I think that Romney/Gingrich would be the best ticket. Both master economists and historians and they understand the challenges of this world...politically and economic.


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  JJL said:

The GOP is really going to have to find a magic ticket.. Romney/Huckabee would be a good place to start.

HEEEEELLLLL NAW!!! Huckabee is the man, but surely you're kidding about Romney. You can't forget that the run for Presidency has become nothing more than a popularity contest. 70% of people have no clue about the issues other than the absurdities spread by extreme media figures on both sides. Romney is about as appealing to the average American as a turd in a punch bowl. Just ask a moderate (which includes a lot of Americans... none of which would ever get on realtree.com) what they think about voting for Romney.

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And Mike "Hee-Haw" Huckabee is floating right next to him. That's all we need. Instead of "cash for clunkers" we'll have "bucks for banjos".

That's exactly why the GOP will loose again in 2012. There' NO decisive leader in the party and whoever you choose will lead to a large percentage sliding over to a third party.

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  JJL said:
And Mike "Hee-Haw" Huckabee is floating right next to him. That's all we need. Instead of "cash for clunkers" we'll have "bucks for banjos".

That's exactly why the GOP will loose again in 2012. There' NO decisive leader in the party and whoever you choose will lead to a large percentage sliding over to a third party.

Still think you are wrong Jim. This is just my opinion, but I think independents for the most part including those who voted for Obama in 2008 will vote against Obama in 2012 and you will have a percentage of those dems who are disappointed(those who have had their eyes opened) about Obama not giving them everything he promised who will also vote against him. Cannot see any republicans voting for Obama. Kinda figure from my standpoint that the republican party could get a monkey to run and still beat Obama, lot of ticked voters and there are just too many people going to be voting against him for him to carry a second term.

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  TN Bucknasty said:
This next Presidential run is not for quite some time. The American public can flip flop in a matter of weeks. Who knows what issues people are going to be focusing on when the time draws near.

True, but............

Obama has a liberal house and senate for how much longer. This fall I would think it probable that we will see a shift there in both, and with that being said think it likely his ability to accomplish anything of any significance the remainder of his term is going to be unlikely. Of course this is all speculation, but I am kinda thinking it will not be in Obama's favor that he passed healthcare that 70+ percent of the American public(voters) did not want, kept our troops at war beyond timelines he once promised getting them out, is seeing unemployment rates at record levels, and is the leader of this country with an economy that does not seem to be recovering.

Sure things may change between now and 2012, however I am inclined to think more people this time around will remember those topics that hit home with them that to this point have become empty promises and there will be more skepticism for many about the mainstream media's portrayal of Obama.

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I will take a $100 bet from any of you that Obama will win in 2012.

Reason one

I believe Dems/liberals (no kidding) have brain damage or a missing screw somewhere. Really, I bet there is factual science backing that theory. So they will stay with him.

Reason two

MOST Americans (not all) are really stupid. Have you looked around lately? We are robots. We should be ashamed. All of us!

1. We watch way to much TV.

2. No family time.

3. We stopped going to church

4. We are fat and lazy. We don't have strong work ethic.

5. Easily gullible

Reason three

We don't have a spine to stand up and defend our freedoms.

Reason four

Those in power want to change America more than we want to keep it.

I know most of you here don't fall into these categories, but lets face it we are in the minorty. And we will remain so until something disastrous happens.

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  wtnhunt said:
True, but............

Obama has a liberal house and senate for how much longer. This fall I would think it probable that we will see a shift there in both, and with that being said think it likely his ability to accomplish anything of any significance the remainder of his term is going to be unlikely. Of course this is all speculation, but I am kinda thinking it will not be in Obama's favor that he passed healthcare that 70+ percent of the American public(voters) did not want, kept our troops at war beyond timelines he once promised getting them out, is seeing unemployment rates at record levels, and is the leader of this country with an economy that does not seem to be recovering.

Sure things may change between now and 2012, however I am inclined to think more people this time around will remember those topics that hit home with them that to this point have become empty promises and there will be more skepticism for many about the mainstream media's portrayal of Obama.

I hope like everything that you're right.

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  de_ballew said:
I will take a $100 bet from any of you that Obama will win in 2012.

Reason one

I believe Dems/liberals (no kidding) have brain damage or a missing screw somewhere. Really, I bet there is factual science backing that theory. So they will stay with him.

Reason two

MOST Americans (not all) are really stupid. Have you looked around lately? We are robots. We should be ashamed. All of us!

1. We watch way to much TV.

2. No family time.

3. We stopped going to church

4. We are fat and lazy. We don't have strong work ethic.

5. Easily gullible

Reason three

We don't have a spine to stand up and defend our freedoms.

Reason four

Those in power want to change America more than we want to keep it.

I know most of you here don't fall into these categories, but lets face it we are in the minorty. And we will remain so until something disastrous happens.

100% spot on............

And something disasterous is already happening, and people are too stupid to do anything about it.

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