Pink eye


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Has anyone ever had it?:tt1: its going around the kids school like oldest is just getting over it and now my youngest has wifey has it also...guess who's next:angry: we have drops and someone told us that tea bags are good to put on you eyes to get the itch out....any other ideas???? oh and plus its not just in the schools some guys here at work have it and two guys at hockey last night have it.....I just know I am next.

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I've had it a few times, and the kids also. My eyes have gotten disgusting looking in the past. It's a virus, not a whole lot to do for it, some docs will give you some antibiotic drops to help prevent secondary infections. My best advice is to get a rag soaked with the hottest water you can stand and use it as a compress a few times a day over the eye to get minor relief, wash your hands frequently to help stop the spreading to others.

good luck joe.

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Wash your hands a lot, and when you feel like scratching your eye--DON'T!

Being a public school teacher we have it go around the school every now and then. First time I ever got it was about 6 months into my first year of teaching. Never even saw a case before I started teaching.

Warm compresses help, but the meds are best, usually knocks it out in a day or two. I got a tetanus shot with the first case too, which I thought was pretty weird.

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Maybe I didnt have the same thing, the drops didnt do much for me. Isn't it the same as conjuntivitis? I thought it was viral?

I got a pic somewhere of mine, it was NASTY!

Yep, pretty sure it is one in the same John. Wife has told me there are different things that people call pinkeye though, says it(pinkeye) is a more general term. I have not had it as bad as the wife or kids, but the drops definitely made a difference for me, alleviated the itching almost immediately although it did not take the redness away so quick. Closest thing I could compare it to is waking up with chunks of sawdust in your eyes, thats what it felt like to me anyway.

Kids have had it pretty bad a few times, eyes gunked up so bad you had wipe them with a warm rag and try to pry em open enough just to get the drops in. Not much fun.

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I've had it a few times, and the kids also. My eyes have gotten disgusting looking in the past. It's a virus, not a whole lot to do for it, some docs will give you some antibiotic drops to help prevent secondary infections. My best advice is to get a rag soaked with the hottest water you can stand and use it as a compress a few times a day over the eye to get minor relief, wash your hands frequently to help stop the spreading to others.

good luck joe.

That was what I was gonna say too. When I got it I woke up and my eye was crusted shut and I had to put a rag with hot water over my eye to soften it up enough to even open my eye to tell if I had pink eye.

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ahhh my poor little girl has it bad this morning....we had to wipe out her eyes with a warm cloth just so she could open them....we took her right to the doctors and got some better drops for her...poor little thing I feel so bad for her but atleast she is not complaining about it to much.

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