Never so happy to see this forum!


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Ok guys, I get out of class and of course I come on to check the forums and nothing is there. So I IM RyanH and he says they are gone,deleted, won't be back for 6 months, new moderators and everything. That in the chat last night (which I forgot about,sorry) that is what Scott had the chat for. Can you believe I fell for it hook,line, and sinker!? I have never felt my heart sink so much than when my mom broke her leg! I was almostready to cry until RyanH told me he was joking! I am so happy, I love this place so much that if it ever got deleted, I would really be upset. I tell my mom about some of you guys and posts on here; I have a major relationship invested into this place! lol. Anyonw just wanted you all to know how glad I am to be here!!!!!! Whew grin.giftongue.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Never so happy to see this forum!



I have to think of a way to get him back, to bad he lives like a half way across the U.S.,lol

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LOL good Luck! Im got good eyes! I see stuff like tha coming from a mile away!

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Hey TG just bait him into a bet against the best team in the land......his eye's dont work so well when it comes to sports grin.gif

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