Decoy Placement.


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I like to use a lone hen, or two hens and a jake decoy. I put the two hens together and then I put the jake off away from them a few feet so it looks like he is just trying to keep an eye on them. I got a full strut gobbler decoy this year so Im going to replace the jake with it and position it the same way as I have the jake in the past.

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Try facing the jake "towards" your set-up and the hens facing "away" from you. Being that a gobbler most likely will come in facing the jake and come in from behind a hen.

This way his tail fan will be blocking his head in each situation if he's strutting, giving you time to get onto him.

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I have been eyeballing the Jake Mobile lately. Anyone use jake/tom decoys on public land? Wondering how good of an idea it is. I usually just use two hens within a few feet of each other...

I very very very seldom use a deke' period. I feel like a gobbler decoy on public land is somewhere near insanity

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No Kidding! The only time I get out of the vehicle on state land around here is during the late spring and summer. Other than that I just drive around during deer season to see how others are doing. The "implants" and city folk (the ones that really don't know the difference between game and people, or they just shoot first and ask questions later) just plain freak me out. No offense to those of you that are stuck in the urban side but really know what you are doing. But I feel it is safer not to assume, ya know?;)

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wind blows the decoys which ever direction it's blowing. so they tend to move and change directions with swirling winds. that's the best for me.

i just make sure they're more off to my left side, because i shoot right handed. also, they're close within 15 yards. this way, if the tom doesn't come right in tight to them, it's still probably within range and within the swing of my Benelli. Also, I figure that as he's coming in he's looking off to my side and not right in my direction.

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