The tax man rippeth


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I know you're right Corey, it's patriotic to pay taxes and I should feel ashamed for not wanting to pay my fair share :D

You're right about next year, or maybe 2014 when the full package kicks in. Somebody's got to pick up the cost of adding millions of folks to the rolls, and I think we all know who that will be :D

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I had insurance once but they did me wrong and always paid out of pocket because its ALOT cheaper and you get discounts for paying in full and get another discount for being uninsured. Mine would be almost $30 week thats $120 month and $1140 a year. But im young still and have my health and MIGHT go maybe once or twice to the doctors.

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That sucks man, I feel sorry for people who have to pay in. I've lucked out every year I've been working, when I was an apprentice I'd always get a nice check because I could claim all my tools. Now that I'm a licensed Technician I can only claim up to $500, which is jack squat when you consider I probably bought about $6000 in tools last year, at least! Still should get back around $750 though, better than nothing.

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