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This happened to me a couple times a few years ago, of course in the winter when I was driving back and forth to Ottawa everyday for school and it always seemed to be -20 or colder when it did it. There was a little glitch in the HVAC module. Did you try and hit any buttons? Like A/C, recirculate? When mine screwed up they would not respond, and it would be stuck on Cold air, in the defrost position. All I did was push the clutch in turn the truck off for a few seconds, then fire it back up and keep driving.

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Could be the temperature door stuck in the heater case. Grab your heater hoses when your engine is at operating temperature. If both are hot that means the heater core is not plugged. If one is hot and one is cold, the heater core is plugged and that's your issue. If both are hot it's either a faulty temperature door actuator, a jammed temperature door, or a faulty HVAC module.

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Yeah it's plugged then, you could have flushed it yourself. Should have told you that in the last post but I was waiting to see what you found. It could be the internal parts of the heater core eroding a bit, also the new dexcool coolant is more corrosive than the old glycol green coolant. For next time, just pull the heater hoses off either the waterpump or the core, it's a nicer job taking them off the waterpump because you have hoses to work with for the flushing. Stick the nozzle of your garden hose in the cold hose and hit the nozzle, you should see a bunch of gunky crap come out of the other hose. This backflushes all the stuff out of it. Switch the nozzle to the other hose and do the same. until it's nice clean water coming out from both ends. Hook the hoses back up and you're done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I took my truck to the garage last night and my cousin and I took the heater core lines off and blew the core out and the one side that was cold was clogged solid. With a few blasts of the garden hose on both sides and a bunch of brown crap WE HAVE HEAT. LOL And I will post of the lift in another thread.

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