Best and Worst April fools day pranks

Guest TennesseeTurkey

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

What is yours?

My Junior year of High School: At the end of the day people get called to the office for messages and junk sent to them throughout the day and my name was called that day of April 1st 2004. It was a football recuritment letter from the LSU Tigers head coach Nick Saban (mind you they just won the NC) MAN I was on cloud 9 showing everyone that letter from Nick telling me that they had their eye on me and to have a good senior season.... well 30 minutes passes and I head to the weight room to show my lineman coach the letter and he looks at me and says "son..... what is today".... well everyone was in on it and I had to laugh along with them, it was a good joke.... but joke was on them 3 months later when I got a real letter from them wanting stats and my height weight ect.... lol nothing ever came out of it tho ;)

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The best one I have ever seen was two years ago when I was in the seventh grade. One of my good friends was complaining about a stomach ache the whole period so my teacher thought he was sick. Right in the middle of class he ran out in the halls and starting making sounds like he was throwing up. My teacher then ran out into the hall to him and everyone else in the class laughing, lol.

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Can recall a few over the years, been on the receiving end of a few. Probably the best prank I got got was not on April fools day but was probably when my wife and her boss staged her water breaking while we were at work, there were several people in on it. My oldest daughter tries to get me every year.

Worst I know of was one that went bad wrong and ended up costing someone to have to transfer out of their job. Oughta get my oldest daughter to tell about the April fools day joke that happened at her school a few years ago.

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I'm a respectable (sp?) man and don't prank people......................

LOL!!!! not me!!!!!!!!!

I am an April fool so was always pulling something..

remember that Christmas song?

I ain't been nothing but bad!

Tied my sister to her bed, somebody snitched on me, called and reported some one dead.. somebody snitched on me, made worm sandwiches for my dad, (nobody needed to snitch on me)

and the list goes on year by year!!!

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BUT if i had to pick the best....

the three dump truck loads of snow piled in the city managers drive way behind his car....

( i worked for the state and we were always at odds)

and the mechanic whose tool box i screwed a Zerk fitting in to the back of and hooked the grease pump up to .... 38 gallons later it was full;)

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May have been April 1st, don't really remember for certain but it was around that time.

My senior year of highschool I went to my then girlfriends moms house to do some tree trimming. She was divorced and extra concerned with me using a chainsaw. Well I really had no choice with her going on and on about being safe now did I?

Told her daughter to sneak me a bottle of ketchup. while her mom was trimming bushes I was behind a bush and splattered the ketchup all over my arm. Then I pretended to have difficulty starting the chainsaw. She asked if everything was ok from accross the yard. I said oh yea, just need to adjust the blade (or something to that effect). Then I started it and gunned the gas! I screamed AHHHHHH!!!!! and started rolling on the ground holding my arm. She about fell off the step stool running to my aid. Once she arrived my screams turned into laughter and the daughter came out to join in the fun. She was mad at first, but took it like a good sport after an hour or so. One of my best pranks.

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I'm with Steve B. You take the good ones as they come to you. There's a lot but a co-worker got their phone hidden up in the ceiling tiles of the drop ceiling directly above their desk. Cellphone went off several times and they knew it was right there by the desk, but couldn't figure it out with the sound coming from above them.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey
I'm with Steve B. You take the good ones as they come to you. There's a lot but a co-worker got their phone hidden up in the ceiling tiles of the drop ceiling directly above their desk. Cellphone went off several times and they knew it was right there by the desk, but couldn't figure it out with the sound coming from above them.

HA HA, we did that to one of our teachers...

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Another one was a teacher of mine back in highschool always carried around a yard stick and his desk was just a table. He said if it ever left his desk we'd be in trouble. Well I had his yard stick hidden under his table/desk one day with masking tape. He couldn't find it and had to be told where it was. He said it was really good, but not to try it again.

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well i may have just done my worst best yet....

the Alaska draw tags did not post yesterday as planned AGAIN!!! and have now been set back to april 9th...

obviously this caused a huge uproar in AK. and on the forums here... so i went in and posted a thread caliming they all posted at midnite... heres the link to the winners..

the link opens to April fools day pranks..... ;)

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Bad text

Lady i was datign today freaked out when her 22 year old daughter in nursing school texted her she tested PREGENANT

I had to put up with yelling and sadness etc all day Girl would not take LD Phone calls

About 9 PM She texts



Poor joke IMHO


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Lady i was datign today freaked out when her 22 year old daughter in nursing school texted her she tested PREGENANT

I had to put up with yelling and sadness etc all day Girl would not take LD Phone calls

About 9 PM She texts



Poor joke IMHO


oh yeah i called that one in to mom once too:poke:

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Well I got got good one time by ccwhitey.. I don't know if it was April 1 or not but it was def in the spring. He calls me up saying "man you should see these sheds I just found, some of em are huge, one is off close to a 200" deer." So I go flyin out to his house, get there and am just in amazement at these antlers. He had like 15 laid out in his garage that he said he found that day. So I'm pickin these antlers up, like I said, I'm in awe. About that time a mutual friend of ours drives out and starts collecting the antlers. That's when it hit me, "crap, I just got pranked goooood." LOL The antlers were all ones that our mutual friend had found over the years. He kept me goin for 10 or 15 min before I finally figured out what was going on

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2 years ago when i was in sixth grade my evil librarian pulled the worst prank ever

we had this evil librarian and she and my principal didnt get along very well

everybody loved the principal except the librarian and a couple of people that got in trouble all the time but he was fair about stuff

that morning he had called over the intercom that we were getting out of school because it was flooding

then about 5 minutes later after everybody was really excited he called over the intercom "april fools"

we all thought it was funny but the librarian thought it was "silly and uncalled for"

my homeroom had library that day

she told us that she thought it would be funny if we pranked the principal

she told us to act crazy and that she would go and get the principal and act like we were out of control

we were runnin around like idiots and she came back in the library with him

he yelled at us to get in a line and come out to the hall one at a time

austin,this snobby stuck up airhead whose dad is the football coach and his mom is the assistant cheerleading coach, ended up at the front of the line

the librairian didnt tell the principal april fools until after he paddled austin, although as much of a jerk as he is, he kinda deserved it

the librarian made it look like it was the principal's fault and he was 'asked' to quit and he got put in a different position and this other guy from the education board came and filled in for him for the rest of the year

the end of last year the librairian retired supposedly because nobody liked her anymore(i wonder why) most people didnt like her in the first place

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