Global Warming a Hoax?


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I've been hearing stuff recently about global warming being a hoax. Has anyone else heard this? They're not exactly saying that the global temperature hasn't risen, but that the whole idea of humans contributing to it is all a hoax (ex: carbon dioxide emissions). Some people believe that its being used as a tool to put oil companies out of business and push environmentalist agendas. Others are even saying that its an excuse for the government to tax factories for their CO2 emissions.

This thread would probably be better suited for the politics page, but i figured i'd post it here since this page gets more traffic.

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Well, our winters have been fairly cold lately, not unbearable for us though. When I was a kid I remember the ambient temps being close to -40 for a few weeks during the winter. Now we're lucky to see -25 ambient temps. Right now, the end of march, first of april, we're seeing temps in the 70s, it's actually going to be 82 on saturday here. Which is unreal. Usually don't see temps that high until June at least. I remember as a kid being able to ice fish right til the end of the season March 31st. The river has been open for 2-3 weeks now, and I think Golden Lake is still froze but I wouldn't dare step foot on it. Heck we used to go trout fishing in Algonquin Park in May, Mother's day weekend. And sometimes the lake would still be frozen and we'd have to fish on the Ottawa River for walleye up there. There'd still be snow the second weekend of May. Personally I do think it's starting to warm up a bit.

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Ya i definitely can't complain about the weather we've had this spring! We haven't had an inch of snow, the average temp from this March has been in the 50's, and the high today was pushing 70; making it the 2nd warmest March that our part of MN has ever seen.

I've heard tho that any warming that is occurring is because of solar flares that are coming farther off the sun's surface than in the past, and other things that are accumulating to make this supposed global warming trend, not human carbon emissions. But then again i've heard a lot of things and how many of those things are true? Probably less than half

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There has been lots of news about top researchers that have been manipulating data to make it look like global warming was happening. This is just one of many stories on this story.

Search the archives at the drudge report for lots more info. Global temps rise and fall, there is no evidence that man is causing it. If there was they wouldn't have to make it up.

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  smallmunster said:
There has been lots of news about top researchers that have been manipulating data to make it look like global warming was happening. This is just one of many stories on this story.

Search the archives at the drudge report for lots more info. Global temps rise and fall, there is no evidence that man is causing it. If there was they wouldn't have to make it up.

thats exactly what i've been hearing! i'm glad you posted that

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Man-induced global warming (or global climate change, or whatever they're calling it this week) is complete and total fabrication.

If you can get your hands on a book called "Heaven and Earth" by Australian geologist Ian Plimer, I strongly suggest you read it. It's not light reading. But even if you can get through the 50 or so page introduction you will want to go find Al Gore and string him up by his toes.

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There's been climate change forever. The warmer periods were actually the more prosperous times for humans and animals for most of the earth. The cool periods had catchy names like "The Dark Ages". I'm in New Hampshire right now visiting my new granddaughter and you can see evidence of a time when there was global cooling. The farms built when this area was settled have all the buildings connected so you didn't need to go outside in the winter. The ones built later are scattered about and have less chimneys too. I believe the "Rennaisance Period when there was time to sit about and think and experiment was a warming period. When it's cold everyone is usually raising food or trying to stay warm and well fed with little spare time. This may be why the socialists want to alter the climate to make it colder. We'd be too busy surviving to care about government.


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  • 9 years later...

Even if it were real, do we honestly have enough control to make enough impact to reverse something that is not even proven.  Seriously do the leftists really believe China is going to stop their pollution......  

Best as I recall the green folks were spewing that it was 12 years to the end on the current path if we did not act right then.  We are what 18 months or more into that now.  When are the cataclysmic events supposed to start.  

Think the bigger problem is overpopulation and destruction of forests.  But that is another topic.

The end will be when God decides, not before then.

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