Shot Techno Hunt last week!


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About a week ago I shot Techno Hunt at a local shop. It was awesome! Do they have AA meetings for this stuff, because I think I need it. I'm going to take my girlfriend and her Diamond Edge bow to shoot some rounds of whitetails. I figure it's some of the best practice for preparing to shoot her first deer with a bow. Anyone shoot any leagues or have shot it at all? What do you think?

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Yea I my score the first time was about the same, 190's. I shot what a league was using, so I got all kinds of critters big and slow to ridiculously small and always moving! After I found out that you can choose to hunt something specific like deer or turkey. So like I said next time the girlfriend and I are doing all whitetails and maybe some turkeys to warm up for the coming spring season.

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I shoot a combo league, where we shoot DART( same as techno hunt) one week and 3-d pop up's the next week. I don't always agree with the kill zone locations on the DART, and once in a while an arrow won't register when it hits. It is good practice though and pretty addictive. I actually enjoy the pop ups a little more, and usually score better.

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