garden question...

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okay... so spring is now 6 weeks away for us. and planting will begin in 8 weeks...

last fall i cleared nearly 2 acres with the dozer at freeze up. and removed all the black spruce and moss over burden.

what kind of weed killer can i put out and THEN plant, garden and lawns ( clover) how long should i wait before planting? i expect a ton of pig weed ( chick weed ) this spring as it is common after clearing..


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Lots of things to use. But you have to be more specific. There's pre-emergents, post-emergents, broadleaf killers, etc. I use Treflan granular and works great, just keep it away from corn (don't even know if you can grow corn in your end of the world lol)

Edited by redkneck
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yeah i can get corn to go... germinate is the hard part.. it dont get dark till august.. this year i will cover it at night with black plastic...

so that link... looks like i can use it then plant the garden with transplants????

as for the larger lawn area... we want to plant some clover for the moose in the area and other wild life... ( the more they mow the better)

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Maybe this is more friendly:

Basic rule of thumb on treflan is that it's ok for most anything without parallel leaf patterns (like corn, most grasses). Having no idea what you are battling up there you should read up and make sure it's going to benefit you before you spend the $

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Usually use glyphosate(roundup) here and wait a week to 10 days to plant. Used 2 4d and roundup this past weekend, has not turned yet though, just starting to yellow. Will burn the dead vegetation after it turns, then spray it again when I see green coming back. Should be ready to disc after that.

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