Let There Be Lawn!


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Beautiful home, Chris. :D

I'm super jealous of your front lawn, mainly because this is what we are facing in the future (when we have enough money) to put in a lawn.

Welcome to my giant rock garden. Rock garden is putting it nicely, I tend call it other not so nice names. Feel free to come do ours when you are finished with yours. LOL!! Btw, this is only half of the front yard, the other half is identical. :) Please post "after" pictures when you have grass growing! :)


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I am green with envy.....I it is year 3 in my place and I just got my lawn back. Had it beautiful last year before the mud slide. Had to start over this year. The most exciting thing I have seen this week was little green blades. Orders about 80 plants last night. I hope to restore it soon.

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Feel free to come do ours when you are finished with yours. LOL!! Btw, this is only half of the front yard, the other half is identical. :) Please post "after" pictures when you have grass growing! :)

Ummmm, you need dirt to grow a lawn Alisha. :D

I see big deer roaming that lawn soon.

Very nice Chris. Have fun cutting it.

Any trees in the surroundings planned?

Had at least one cut through the undone section last night. There was a fresh print in one of my tractor prints that I put there yesterday.

That pic makes it look bigger than it is. I lasered the front and back and came up with a total of 31,500 feet--give or take... :D Smaller than my old lawn.

I enjoy cutting the lawn. It's my 2 hours 2 or 3 times a week where I don't have to think or hear arguing kids or answer any questions. :cool:

I have over 200 trees on order, mostly pine seedlings. Looking forward to my wind break in ohhhh, 15 years or so. :D

Thanks for the comments folks.

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i thought you disced the fertilzer into the soil.

All of that ground has been tilled, graded, tilled and graded at least 3 times. I keep saying to myself "you only have one chance to get this right..." so I've been pretty careful to get a good seed bed. I'd guess we got at least a half inch of rain last night. There was no ponding that I could see, so hopefully all my grading work paid off. If it dries out enough today with the sun and wind, I'll spread the seed tonight. I think that fertilizer will do just fine.

Even if they weren't, then they are now. lol Do you plan on any trees out there? Weeping willow trees aways look really nice. My parent's have a pear and used to have a cherry tree out back.

I have over 200 pine seedlings, shrubs and wild flower seed on order to be picked up and planted Friday. :eat:

My wife likes willow, and so do I, but willows do not like drain tiles, septic fields, and foundations, in fact, a lot of municipalities around here outlawed them. :D

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