8 Weeks And Counting!!!


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I recall as a young bow watching my dad burn up almost 2-1/2 to 3 packs a day. I witnessed his battles to continually try and quit and his struggles to fight "The Urge" to grab just one more for that settling puff that inevitably led to the next binge.

I congratulate you on your battle thus far. Stay true to your cause and your family.

And to all of those who never ever picked up a cigarrette, congratulations on never starting and for what has likely been the smartest decision you have ever made.


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John I've seen some go through crazy things to quit and were still unsuccessful. I'm telling you though it's worth it to quit. One example is my cousin and his wife are using the money they'd have spent to smoke and using it for an entire car payment for their new SUV. That's not even health related.

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I can appreciate being torn between wanting another puff and wanting to quit.

Here's what my dad did to encourage himself to quit (2nd hand smoke wasn't factored into needing to quit back in the 50s and 60s like it is today):

First he'd calculate how much he spent on cigarrettes in a year. Then he'd decide just what kind of toys he'd like to buy that were within reason. Then he'd go to the bank and take out a loan to pay for the new choosen toy. The payments never exceeded in a year what he used to pay for smokes. He bought himself a fishing boat and motor one year and another year he bought a couple high-end shotguns. We even made a hunting trip to Saskatchewan one year paid for by a smokeless year.

Unfortunately my dad became chronically ill and would periodically revert back to the old habit to calm his shattered nerves, only to revisit the quitting smoking habit once again....over and over. He finally quit for good in 1984 at the age of 54. I've visited his gravesite every year since.


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